Chapter Sixty-Five

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At first, I ignored the message until there was another chime, this time along with a name.


Heyy Clara! It's Maverick. Sorry, this might seem weird and all, but I didn't know how to reach you. I can explain how I got your number in person if you want to know. Really short explanation, haha. Anyway, I had fun last time we went out and I'd love to do it again if you'd be up for that?

I stared at the message, reading it over again and again. I didn't so much care as to how he got it, he was an officer and had resources.

I didn't respond for some time, thinking it over, all the possibilities and outcomes, trying to shake off my bundle of nerves.

I took my phone again and typed out a message.


It didn't take long for a response to come through.

I'll take it, haha. Well, yeah, let me know sometime and I'll get something set up.

I put my phone back on the table and stared up at the ceiling. With recent events concerning him and then the reaction from Violet, I didn't know how well the idea of another date would play out with her.

This drifted to the back of my mind, Mini resurfacing once again. So many questions with very little answers clogged my brain.

Was she getting treatment? How long had this been brewing? Would she be okay? Would she make it?

I put my hands over my eyes, closing them, trying to keep tears back. I didn't want to cry again. It ached and it hurt, making things seem all to real.

She'll be okay, I kept reassuring myself. She's healthy and alright and okay.

I heard Violets quiet footsteps and the creak of the floor as she went into her bedroom, the door shutting gently.

It'll be okay... She'll be okay.

Don't Touch Her Act 2: Finding PeaceWhere stories live. Discover now