Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I stayed at the cafe until noon, sipping hot chocolate outside, waiting for Dominic. He was coming to meet me.

I glanced back at Clara every now and then, noticing with each minute how she seemed to stiffen as it grew closer to twelve.

"Violet Augustine!"

I turned to see an officer striding towards me. He was tall with hair that almost looked black. I recognized him immediately.

"Officer VonAllmen," he reminded me.

I nodded, feeling slightly nervous, and managed to smile.

"How are you?" He asked, the tip of his mouth curving.

"Oh... Well." I smiled and looked down.

He watched, almost curiously. "You and your sister are a lot alike."

I glanced up at him, "we are?"

He smiled, looking in through the window at Clara. "Your mannerisms. Both a little shy and-" he looked at me, deciding not to say what he had in mind. "Anyway, it was nice seeing you're okay."

I nodded, feeling slightly on edge, hoping Dominic would show soon.

He went inside, and I watched as Clara seemed to freeze, her eyes widening. Though she was always on guard when it came to men, she seemed scared as the officer approached her, abnormally so.

I almost wanted to rush inside, but I waited, watching as he was handed a coffee, talking to Clara. She wouldn't look at him and she hardly spoke. He soon stepped away, giving a polite nod to Clara before he headed towards the doors.

A hand slid around my shoulders. I jumped back with such force I almost fell from my chair.

Dominic laughed as he caught hold of me. "I didn't mean to scare you, Love." He pulled my chair closer to him, and looked in through the window, seeing Clara.

"How long have you been out here?" He asked, going to grab my hands when he saw the bandages on my palms. A muscle ticked in his jaw as he looked at me.

"I fell," I said quickly.

"You fell?"

I nodded, pulling my hands back and tucking them in between my thighs. He looked down and saw my stained jeans. "I tripped and scraped my knees," I explained.

He looked back at me, "you're okay?"

I nodded, a slight smile on my lips.

He heaved a heavy sigh as he looked at me. "What am I going to do with you."

I shrugged, and to my surprise, in a quiet boldness saying, "... just take care of me."

Dominic smiled, his eyes softening. "Always, Love."

Don't Touch Her Act 2: Finding PeaceWhere stories live. Discover now