Chapter Forty-Eight

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"What do you mean?" Dominic held me in his lap, trying to ease my panic.

"She's not here! Her car is gone, and she isn't in her room."

"Violet, try calling her." He spoke calmly, rubbing soothing circles along my back.

I reached for my phone and dialed her number with shaking hands, clutching it to my ear.

Dominic spoke softly as I listened for her voice. "Violet, breathe, okay? She'll be fine, I promise."

I waited, trying to calm down, but then finally, it went to voice-mail.

"She's not answering," tears filled my eyes. "Oh God," I shook my hands, panic setting in all over again. "Oh God, oh God."

"Violet, Violet, hey, just call her again. She could have missed it." He took my phone from me and called her, putting it to his ear.

He held me tightly, strangely offering me some sort of comfort. I put a hand over my mouth as if doing so would stop my heavy breathing.

Clara and I hardly ever charged our phones, considering we never used them much. Maybe hers had died? Or someone had taken it.

He put the phone down and looked at me. I knew then. Tears spilled over my cheeks as I battled with the thoughts swirling my brain.

I stood and left the room, Dominic following behind me before catching me in an embrace and crouching down before me. "Look, I'm going to call my mom, and then if she isn't there, I'll call the police, okay? Everything will be alright, Violet, I promise. Don't worry."

He wiped the tears from my face and began dialing.

Oh Clara, be okay, be alright, be safe. Oh God, please..., please.

Don't Touch Her Act 2: Finding PeaceWhere stories live. Discover now