Chapter Eighteen

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"Mmm, Federalist Papers," Dominic said, his voice deep and filled with sleep, his arms resting around me with his jaw leaned against my head.

I leaned forward, writing it down, and then moved on to the next one. "This is right?" I asked hopefully.

He picked it up, bringing it closer so he could read it. "Mmhmm," and set it back down.

I smiled, turning to the next page. "You can go to bed."

"No. I'm staying up with you," his hold tightened. "I'd probably wake up if you kissed me. That'd help."

"Oh," I laughed nervously.

"Like a shot of Vodka."

He was silent, as if waiting, gently grabbing strands of my hair and letting it settle in his large hand. "I mean, if you won't I will. Still wake me up."

Heat climbed up to my face when he was suddenly leaning over, kissing my neck. I stiffened as one of his hands came up to rest on my collarbone.

I felt him smile against my neck as he traveled upward.

Suddenly, he was sucking. I raised my shoulders and jerked when I felt the sudden pain of a bite. "Dominic, please," my brows furrowed as I moved from his lap. I rubbed the area on my neck, feeling the small imprints of teeth.

He laughed, "you don't like biting?"

"... It hurts."

He smiled, "it's supposed to, Love." He pulled me back in.

"No, don't." I pushed against his shoulders and turned my head away. "Please, don't."

He sighed, lifting me from the chair and walking into his room, "fine. Woke me up though," and then sat me down. He leaned in closer, running a hand along my neck. "That might be hard to hide once it comes in," he laughed softly.

My eyes widened and I stood to look in the mirror. Nothing was there except his teeth imprints. He sat on the bed and leaned to pull me towards him.

"Dominic, no," I said softly.

"You're going to keep me from kissing you? I feel like you're trying to torture me in the worst way you know how."

"I'm not trying to. I just don't want you doing that."

An amused smile crossed his lips. "Biting you? You can't help a man when he's a bit animalistic, especially when it's you."

I swallowed, a slight wave of fear creeping in. I pulled away. "Please, take me back," I said quietly, keeping my head down.

He took my hand gently. Suddenly tears were rising. "Violet," he started, lifting my chin, and seeing the tears in my eyes, his brows furrowed, and he seemed almost mad. Mad at himself. "I didn't mean to scare you, Love."

He sighed deeply, trying to keep himself in check. He pulled me in, despite my resistance, and held me in his arms. "Don't cry, okay?" He took my face in his hands. "I feel like I tried so hard to get you to overcome your fear of me, and I break that in five minutes."

He shook his head, a muscle ticked in his jaw. "I wouldn't hurt you, Violet. I swear on my life. I promise I'd hurt myself if I did."

"Don't hurt yourself."

He smiled quickly, "you've said something like that before." He sighed, "I'll take you back if you want to leave."

I looked at him and swallowed. I knew he wouldn't. I understood a long time ago he wouldn't hurt me, so I shook my head. "I'll stay."

Don't Touch Her Act 2: Finding PeaceWhere stories live. Discover now