Chapter Sixty-Three

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On our way home, we stopped to get some hot chocolate to warm our cold fingers and stomachs.

The cafe was decorated with hearts, red and pink lining the counter and glass cases. The cups were now red and evenly spaced with white hearts along the top and bottom.

I had forgotten how close Valentines Day was. Only three weeks away.

As we took a booth towards the back, I couldn't help but drift back to Owen. Should I have told him? Could he use it against me somehow?

I shook my head, glancing around at the decorations, and then back to Violet. A small smile lined her lips as she looked at the cup in her hands.

"I wonder if he'll do anything." She said quietly, eluding to the holiday not too far away.

"I'm sure he would." I said, thinking about Owen again.

"He hasn't said anything," she placed her cup on the table. I couldn't help but notice the flash of disappointment cross her features.

I couldn't help but wonder if I would be asked.

There was Maverick, who I hadn't seen or heard from since the little incident, and then Owen, who, despite the lack of determination to see me, I felt myself leaning towards him.

It scared me.

Violet suddenly looked very desolate, as if a shadow had crossed her features. "Clara," she started, and with that, she began very slowly, very hesitantly about Mini.

We left the cafe, and I drove home, trying to navigate the car through my tears.

Don't Touch Her Act 2: Finding PeaceWhere stories live. Discover now