Chapter Fifty-Nine

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I held my phone to my ear.


Dominic was on the other end. Quiet and slow, a heaviness in his voice.

It'd been two days since I'd last seen Dominic in person. We spoke, but he seemed distant.

"Are you doing okay?" He asked.

I nodded but forgot he couldn't see me. "Yes," I replied. I waited because it felt like there was something he needed to say, but didn't quite know how to say it.

He sighed through the phone. "... I need to tell you something."

I released a silent breath of air, "okay."

"Um...," he clicked his tongue, cleared his throat, and then started again. "My mom... My mom's sick."

"She's been coughing a lot-"

"I know, but... that... Oh God, Violet." A heavy breath sounded in my ear. He cleared his throat again.


"Violet... She... She has cancer."

My breath caught in my throat. Cancer? I didn't move. I couldn't move. Why? Why her?

"Lung cancer," he added and then went quiet.

"Lung cancer?" I echoed quietly, letting it run on my tongue, letting it sink... How?

"How? She... She's a doctor. How?"


"I don't understand. How did she miss that?"

"Violet, I don't know."

Tears spilled over my cheeks. I cleared my throat, trying to appear strong. "Are you okay?" I asked, my voice starting to shake.

"... I'm trying to let it sink in... Violet, I know I've been really... not great," he decided. "I don't mean to."

I wiped the tears from my eyes, pulling the phone away from my ear to collect myself and not break down. "You're okay. I understand now... Would you want some company?"

He was quiet for some time as if thinking it over. "Yes," he decided. "Yes. I'll come get you."

Don't Touch Her Act 2: Finding PeaceNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ