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The quietness and solitude of the bathroom was actually nice for a few minutes... I loved Oli, but he was acting like a horny teenager, lol. I don't think I'd ever seen him so full on before. As I exited the ladies room, Oli grabbed me and before I could react, he'd dragged me into the men's toilets. "What the fuck?" I giggled as he locked the cubicle door behind us. "You're so fucking sexy, I can't fucking stand it anymore." he said desperately as he lunged in to kiss me passionately. His tongue was down my throat and he was behaving like he hadn't seen me in or had sex in months. I awkwardly laughed as he kissed me and his hand went up my skirt, slipping past my underwear like he desperately wanted to make sex happen. "Oli, what are you doing?" I questioned, prying myself away from his desperate kiss and grabbing his wandering hand.
"I want you so bad." he said staring at me.
"Let's wait until we get back to the hotel." I suggested with a tiny laugh. You couldn't say our sex life wasn't hilarious! "Ughhhh I can't wait that long." he said, his hand sliding back under my underwear and his lips coming back toward me. I laughed as he kissed me because he was hilariously desperate, but there was no way I was going to fuck him in a public bathroom. "Oli..." I said, grabbing his hand again and pushing him back against the toilet stall wall. "Calm down." I said as I pressed my body against him. He was clearly very aroused. "Just stand there, be quiet and close your eyes." I said, holding both of his hands. He smiled at me dopily then closed his eyes, squeezing them dramatically. Even if I didn't want to do anything, I couldn't let him leave the bathrooms in the state he was in; visibly turned on and clearly horny as hell. I unbuttoned his pants and grabbed him in my hand. "Be quiet, OK?" I said as I got down to my knees. He nodded. I took him in my mouth and he threw his head back into the wall with a thud. "You're the best girlfriend in the whole fucking world." he said with a slur as I sucked him. I tried not to laugh. God he was hilarious when he was drunk. Luckily, he only lasted a few minutes and nobody came in while I was crouched down in front of him on the floor! I swallowed and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand as I stood back up and he smiled at me with a dopey, satisfied look on his face. "You're the best, Joy." he smiled. "I love you so fucking much." he added.
"I know I am. You owe me now." I replied jokingly. He smiled and stuck his tongue out, his hand going under my skirt again. "No, not right now!" I laughed, grabbing his hand yet again. He giggled and I just laughed at him. He was so fucking funny. "Oli, I'm going to go out on my own so the others don't know we were here together. You wait and come out in a few minutes, OK?" I said, hatching a plan. He nodded so I kissed his cheek and headed out of the bathrooms, shaking my head at the entire thing as I left.

"Joy!" Micky said, grabbing me as I approached the lounge again. He handed me a new drink and I slid back into the booth next to him.
"Hey!" I said kissing his cheek without thinking.
"Where did you go? I was looking for you." he asked.
"Oh, Oli's feeling a bit sick. I was making sure he's alright." I laughed, raising my eyebrows, hoping he'd believe me.
"What a fucking lightweight." he laughed. Phew. He'd bought it. 

Oli stumbled over to the group about half a minute later with a stupid smile on his face. So much for waiting... he was hopeless, lol. "Can't handle your alcohol tonight, mate?" Jordan asked. Oli didn't reply, instead, he just stood at the end of the table and looked at me and winked. Micky immediately shot his eyes at me. God, Oli was so unsubtle.
"Dude, your fly is undone." Lee suddenly said in Oli's direction. My eyes immediately looked and sure enough, his fly was undone. Ah fuck.
"Wait. Did you two just fuck in the bathroom!?!??!" Micky asked in a disgusted tone. Oli started laughing which just made the whole thing worse. "No!" I replied in defence. Oli just laughed and Micky stared at me, actually, now all of the guys were kind of staring at me. "I swear, we didn't!" I cried as Oli sat down. It wasn't a lie, we didn't have sex, not that Oli was denying it. "Oli looks wayyyyy too fucking happy for that to be true." Jordan said, suddenly joining in the topic.
"We did not have sex." I stated firmly. Oli was absolutely useless, looking at the others with a grin and making it more than obvious that something had happened. He was hopeless. "What then? Did she blow you?" Micky asked Oli bluntly. Oli started laughing even more and I didn't know what to say or do. I felt my face getting warm and I knew my embarrassment was going to be a dead giveaway. I think it was pretty obvious that they'd figured it out and the guys were all kind of trying not to laugh. "YOU HAD HIS DICK IN YOUR MOUTH AND THEN KISSED MY CHEEK!!!" Micky suddenly exclaimed loudly as he realised that had indeed happened. The others all erupted in laughter, Oli was practically falling off the seat in hysterics and I put my hand over my face. I literally had no idea what else to do, but I couldn't not laugh too. "GROSS!" Micky exclaimed as he forcefully wiped his cheek with a napkin. By now Oli was practically crying with laughter, as were the others and even though I shouldn't have, I was laughing too. It was pretty hilarious. "Sorry." I said as I got up to let Micky out to go to the bathroom. Oli grabbed me as I stood next to him, his arms around the legs and his head rested against my stomach. "You're the fucking best." he said still laughing a little. I sat back in the booth next to him and slapped his arm. God he was a shit for making what we did so obvious. Typical boys always wanting their friends to know that they'd gotten some action...

We ended up sitting and chatting for another half hour or so, but I was giving Oli water and telling him it was vodka with lime in it whenever I could, even though he told me it didn't taste good. He had started to sober up a little by time we left at 1am and I figured the water would help with the hangover.

When we got back to the hotel, Oli was antsy – he clearly still wanted sex and hadn't forgotten about me telling him we could do it once we got back to the hotel. He clearly also remembered me telling him he owed me one because we were stood in the elevator with the others and he was trying to sneakily put his hand up my skirt again. "Oli! Stop it!" I whispered. He looked at me so devilishly like he loved the thrill of getting caught. "Oli!" I said a little louder, causing Jordan to look at me. I smiled at him like nothing was going on. Oli managed to get his hand under my underwear and he smiled as he slid his fingers into me suddenly. "Fuck!" I said loudly in surprise. All of the guys looked around and I pretended nothing was happening, though it definitely was. "Sorry, just remembered I forgot to reply to something earlier!" I said, trying to cover up what was really happening. I don't think I was very good at lying. Oli fingered me until the elevator eventually went ding, and as the door slid open, he slid his fingers out of me.
"Well, I'd say goodnight, but it's pretty clear you guys aren't going to sleep anytime soon..." Lee said jokingly yet in a serious tone. The others all sniggered.
"At least you're not in the room next to them. I'm going to have to wear earplugs." Jordan said with a laugh. I felt myself go red just knowing they were aware of what was going to happen once we were alone.
"Well, see you tomorrow." he added, looking at Oli and I standing at the back of the elevator. "Goodnight." I said. They disappeared and I stuck my arm out to stop the door from sliding shut. "You're naughty." I said, grabbing Oli's hand and dragging him out of the elevator. He smiled at me devilishly again. "Just wait until I'm fucking you in five minutes time." he said with a wink. He was being SO full on, but I can't deny the way he was being was turning me on like crazy.

As soon as I'd opened the hotel door, his hands were around my waist and he was pushing me toward the bed. I stumbled back and as the back of my legs ran into the mattress, I fell onto it. He was down on the floor before I had a chance to do anything, his fingers tugging off my underwear and skirt in one swift move then pushing my legs open in front of his face. He had me exposed in less than twenty seconds and had his tongue on me just a few seconds after that. "I owe you." he said before going in for the kill. Even when he was drunk, he knew how to use his fingers and his tongue to make me lose my mind. The alcohol and the earlier blowjob also clearly didn't inhibit his ability to perform because once I orgasmed, he had me face down on the bed and was fucking me hard. He only lasted a couple of minutes before he came inside me, flopped down onto the bed next to me, and passed out almost immediately. He was crazy when he was drunk, but I definitely didn't dislike it. 

With Oli passed out, I made a bee-line for the bathroom. I took a shower and dressed into pyjamas before drinking a glass of water with some aspirin and one of those rehydration effervescent tablets. It was one of Luiz's tricks to avoid a hangover and he always gave it to me after a night out, just to try and keep me feeling OK the next day. I dissolved another in the same glass with water and put it on the bedside table next to Oli. If he woke up, hopefully he'd drink it.

I got into the bed and tried to drag Oli up to the pillows but he was like a dead weight so I just sat there laughing to myself. Half at him being completely passed out, half at the fact that I wasn't strong enough to move him. He was so damn cute even when he was dead to the world, laying face down with his mouth open. 'This is the man I'm in love with' I thought to myself as I took a photo of him for my own amusement. I put a pillow under his head to try and save his neck from hurting in the morning and then I got myself comfortable. It was so strange to be going to sleep in the bed with Oli down near my legs, but I couldn't move him, so I just hoped I didn't accidentally kick him in the face in my sleep. My ears were still ringing from the concert and I'd been kind of embarrassed a couple of times that night, but it was so nice to hang out with the guys again. I'd loved the night with them and Luiz and I was sad I had to go back to New York in the morning, away from my gorgeous, drunk boyfriend that I now knew loved me, and his friends that in a way I felt loved me too.

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