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We went to the bathroom and then to the bar so I could get another drink. This time I was going for a Long Island Iced Tea - I needed something stronger than vodka and soda! "So... now that we have all of that heavy stuff out of the way..." Behati said, nudging me. I hated to think what she was going to say next; something ridiculous, I was sure. "Do you like him?" she added with a gentle smile. I rolled my eyes. What was it with her?!
"Seriously?!" I asked.
"Yes, seriously! I can tell you do. There's something between you two and I don't know why you wont just admit it." she quipped. I looked over at Oli who was standing by the glass talking with Micky and I didn't reply to her. She was right... there was something, but I wasn't completely sure what it was yet. "You don't have to be embarrassed about having a rockstar crush! Let's be real, thousands of girls probably have a crush on him." she said dramatically. I just stared at her with an unimpressed expression. She was an idiot.
"OK, well you at least think he's attractive, right?" she asked, changing the question. I thought about it for a moment and I couldn't deny it; he looked great tonight. Something about him had changed since London too and his smile made me weak at the knees, it always had.
"I think he's fucking gorgeous, OK?" I admitted. As soon as I said it I knew I would regret being so honest with her...
"I knew it!" she squealed with a huge smile. "Well, it's obvious that he's really into you." she added, still smiling at me like a Cheshire cat. "The way he looks at you is a total giveaway that he wants to get in your pants and you actually look so hot together!" she squealed. "Ugh! The model and the rock star; a combination made in celebrity heaven." she cooed.
"Behati, you are actually the worst sometimes." I said. "He literally just told me he tried to commit suicide a few months ago and five minutes later you're trying to get me to hook up with him?!" I scorned at her.
"Well you're both single, famous and hot as fuck, and there's obviously bucket loads of chemistry and sexual tension there... Besides it's not like he's some random dude, so why not?" she asked. "God knows you seriously need to get laid!" she uttered.
"BEHATI!" I squealed, "For fucks sakes." I said shooting her a dirty look. This sort of shit wasn't new, but after everything he'd just told me, I was hardly thinking about hooking up. I was still trying to get my head around everything.
"I'm just saying..." she said winking at me.
"Jesus Christ, Behati. Is that all you think about?" I asked, shaking my head.
"You know I am just looking out for your lady bits." she replied with a laugh. She was annoying, but I had to laugh at the 'lady bits' nickname. She was such an idiot sometimes. I hadn't really thought about Oli in a sexual way before... I'd thought about kissing him and maybe some other cute stuff like cuddling, but nothing beyond that. "You know, Vincent didn't even believe me when I said you and Oli have never been a thing." she continued on. "Even he notices the chemistry and he notices absolutely nothing!" she laughed.
"I feel like your life goal is to get me to hook up with people." I said sarcastically.
"Mmm... not people, just him." she replied with a sly grin. "He would love it if you just went up to him and kissed him." she winked.
"God you're so annoying sometimes." I stated as I picked up my drink to go back to the others. She automatically chased after me. "But you love meeeeee..." she whined as she grabbed me as I headed back toward the group. She was such an idiot, lol.
"I suppose." I joked. "But if you tell anyone I said Oli was fucking gorgeous I will kill you." I said to her as we left the bar.

I sat back down between Matt and Jordan and listened to the conversation all of the guys were having in their big circle. Behati sat on Vincent's lap and wrapped her arms around his neck, and I noticed him kiss her playfully on the lips. She looked so happy and I have to admit that when I saw sweet little moments like that between them, it did sometimes make me wish I had them too. I loved that sweet, playful side of relationships, but it had been so long since I'd been in one, I probably wouldn't even know how to be affectionate or romantic anymore.
"So, is there someone special in your life these days, Joy?" Jordan asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. I guess he noticed me noticing Behati and Vincent; probably noticing me looking on like a desperate, envious puppy dog. It could have seemed like a bit of a personal question, but there was something about him asking it that made it seem non-invasive. I shook my head and forced a little smile but I actually felt a tiny bit sad. I think Jordan picked up my vibes because he scooted over and put his arm around my shoulders. "Well I'm sure you're not without options." he said with amusement. "You'll find someone special soon, I'm sure of it. Probably when you least expect it." he said quietly. I noticed Oli looking over, so I quickly changed the topic of conversation to his partner; Emma.

It was about 20 minutes later that Behati and Vincent said they were going to head home. I decided to stay out a while longer since I didn't have any commitments the next day. It was really nice to be out and about with the guys, not worrying about being up early for work for a change. I hugged Behati goodnight and told her I'd call her the next day.
"All I'm going to say is 'live a little'." she whispered as I hugged her, flashing me a cute smile as she let go of me. I rolled my eyes at her for the hundredth time. She told the guys to make sure I got home safely and they all nodded and said they would.

"So Joy, you're not doing anything tomorrow, right?" Micky asked out of the blue as we sat chatting.
"No sir, I have the day off." I replied as he came and sat next to me on the lounge. He put his arm around my shoulders, so I did the same thing back to him. I felt a funny kind of brotherly bond with Micky; I felt like he was always happy to see me and was always making sure that I was OK.
"Well, we're playing in Connecticut tomorrow night and I think you should come up there with us." he said. "It's only a couple of hours away so we could organise a car back for you after the show, or you could just stay up there with us. We're not leaving until Friday." he added. I pulled a face and laughed.
"That sounds hella groupie!" I quipped before laughing.
"It kinda does." he chuckled. "Nah, we just like having you around. You're fun and we get bored and sick of each other. It'd be cool if you were with us." he said, looking at me.
"Aww..." I sounded, briefly resting my head on his shoulder. "And how do the others feel about this?" I asked.
"They won't mind. We all think you're cool." he said as Oli came and sat next to me on the opposite side to Micky.
"Do you know about this?" I asked him.
"Is he asking you to come up to Connecticut with us?" Oli questioned. "If so, yes, and you should." he added. I wasn't sure what to say, but I remembered Behati telling me to 'live a little', so even though I'm sure she was thinking in a sexual way, going on a tour bus with a band was more the kind of 'living a little' that I was up for. "Well I mean, I would love to see your show again..." I said.
"Great! You're coming with us then!" Micky stated. "I'll tell the team we'll need a car to bring you back tomorrow night." Micky added with a laugh before I even had a chance to say anything. He got up and left just like that and I was suddenly sitting there with Oli, apparently joining the guys on their next tour leg. "Pass me that shot, will you?" I asked Oli, nodding at a tequila shot sitting on a silver plate on the table. Oli was amused as he handed it to me and I threw it back. "I have a feeling I'm going to need that." I joked.

We organised to meet in the morning for brunch and a quick tour of Central Park before I joined the band on their tour bus up to Connecticut. The guys insisted on a celebratory shot and I had a few too many more drinks and started to feel a little hazy, but I knew the guys were looking out for me. I didn't have many nights where I really let my hair down these days, so it was a great feeling to be able to 'let go' a little more than usual. Oli had to help me reach the bathroom when I got a little wobbly on my high heels and at one point I remember asking the waiter for ice-cream, but my memory is a little fuzzy of the rest of the time at the bar.

We decided to call it a night at 3am, and the guys insisted I take their taxi with them. They got the driver to drop me home on the way to their hotel and I really appreciate that they looked after me, especially when I was drunk. I'm pretty sure we were eating ice-cream on the drive home, so maybe I made them stop so I could get my fix, lol. I remember Oli jumping out of the taxi and walking me to the door of my building too. He was always caring and always a gentleman like that. "See you at eleven." he said as I buzzed myself into the building and pressed the button for the lift. A part of me wanted to invite him up, to ask if he wanted to stay at my apartment, but I would never do something that bold. He jumped back into the taxi and the guys waved as I got into the lift. What a crazy, but completely fantastic night. I posted the photo I'd taken of the concert from the back of the stage to Instagram, but didn't say who it was. Of course the guys would know it was them, but the rest of the world was going to have to wonder.

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