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"Surprise!" Oli said, smiling from ear to ear at me as I approached. I automatically started walking faster as my heart thumped in my chest and I threw my arms around him as I reached him. "What are you doing here?!" I squealed in complete and utter shock. I thought he was playing in Chicago that night, surely he wasn't just visiting for a few hours or something. "How are you here?!" I asked, still in shock. He hugged me so tightly.
"I flew in this morning." he replied. "I wanted to surprise you." he said, now pulling his head back and looking at me. "And I really wanted to see you on the runway." he said with a smile. I must have looked like I'd seen a ghost.
"Oh my god." I exhaled, hugging him again.
"I'll give you guys a minute." Luiz said, interrupting us.
"Luiz, did you know about this?!" I asked, suddenly realising that he must have been in on it at some point to have been there with Oli. He just smiled at me.
"I'll be back in 10 minutes." he said.

I just stood there staring at Oli for a moment. "I can't believe you're here." I said. I was still in complete shock. "Wait, you're coming to the show?" I asked, now realising that Oli had said he'd come to see me walk the runway.
"Yeah, Luiz is giving me his ticket." he said. "He helped me plan everything last night." Oli admitted. I just looked at him... I couldn't believe Luiz had kept this from me last night, and it suddenly explained why he had seemed so preoccupied and glued to his phone. "I wanted to come anyway, but it seemed crazy for such a short amount of time... but then when you messaged and said you missed me with that little sad face, I knew I had to." he added. I hugged him so tightly again. I was so happy to see him.
"Are you flying back to Chicago for the show tonight?" I asked.
"Tomorrow. The show's tomorrow night." he replied with a smile.
"So, you flew here just for 24 hours..." I said, thinking he was crazy.
"How else would I want to spend my day off?" he joked. I pulled him into a hug again and shut my eyes. I had the biggest smile on my face as we stood there embraced. I had forgotten about all the stupid shit I was thinking about yesterday.
"Besides, I really want to see you doing your thing." he said as my face pressed into his neck.
"You know I'm not allowed to look at you or anything, right?" I asked. "I will be super serious." I chuckled.
"Yeah I've seen how these things work." he replied with a laugh.
"I don't have another show this afternoon, so I'll have five hours free before I have to be with the stylist." I said excitedly. "Wait, will you come to the party with me tonight?" I asked suddenly realising I had another after party to attend.
"Yeah, Luiz filled me in. I can come with you." he said. "And I promise I won't punch anyone this time." he said with a joking laugh. I looked at him and rolled my eyes as I smiled.
"You look gorgeous by the way." he said, suddenly looking down at me.
"Thank you. I get photographed every time I arrive and leave so it's kind of like a runway in itself." I said, explaining why I was so dressed up.
"Yeah, I think they took a photo of me when I arrived." Oli said with a confused look, laughing like he had no idea why.
"You're pretty fashionable." I said with a smile. "You could totally be a male model..." I added. Oli just laughed. "Yeah, definitely not." he said.

"Sorry guys!" Luiz said in a panic as he appeared around the corner. "They're calling models now so everyone's about to be back here." he said, trying to break up our little secret meeting.
"I'll take Oli for coffee while you're in hair and makeup and we'll see you after the show, OK?" Luiz said.
"Wait, can you bring him back before I walk?" I asked, looking at Oli.
"I will try!" he replied, hugging me quickly. I just looked at Oli and he looked happy.
"See you soon, OK?" I said with a smile, pulling him in for a quick cuddle.
"I can't wait." he replied.
"Quick!" Luiz said as the sound of people echoed from around the corner. I laughed and turned to head into the backstage area while they disappeared together. I couldn't believe that he was there, but I was beyond happy that he was. I sat in hair and makeup with a smile on my face, so much so that even my makeup artist asked why I was so happy. Was I really that obvious? I tried to get my mind into runway mode, but I kept seeing Oli's face from our surprise meeting and it just made me happy. I couldn't wait to be done with the runway and go and hang out with him.

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