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With our hair perfected, our skin gleaming and our makeup on point, I topped up everyone's champagne glasses and threw on some dance music; Skrillex's set from last year's 'Tomorrowland' festival. I figured it fitted the night well and would get everyone in the mood. "Ummm, Is this Skrillex?" Emma asked curiously.
"It sure is." I said with a smile, hoping she wasn't about to say she hated it. Dani laughed and I suddenly felt awkward, like they thought he was awful and were about to tell me I was lame.
"Oh my god this is hilarious." she said.
"You like him?" Emma then asked. I wasn't sure whether to admit that I did or not, but then I guess there was no point in being unauthentic.
"I do. I love him." I replied. She looked over at Nat and put her finger to her lips like she was telling her to be quiet and I was suddenly really confused. "What?" I asked.
"You'll see!" Emma said, beaming with a smile.
"Are you aware that Oli is friends with him?" Dani asked with a laugh. I dropped my mouth open involuntarily. It now made sense as to why they were laughing. I had never even thought about the fact that he, or any of them might have been friends with other famous people! Like I constantly say, I forget that he's famous!

With our hair and makeup done, we started taking it in turns of going to the bathroom and getting into our new outfits, and we each did the big reveal over further glasses of wine. We all squealed and clapped as each girl came out – I was so incredibly ecstatic at how incredible everyone looked and how much confidence they were exuding. I don't think some of the girls could believe themselves – they were gorgeous, but this was still like an episode of extreme makeover, like they'd never actually had someone come in and do their hair and makeup before. "Girls, my boobs look insane!" Dani chuckled from behind the closed door before exiting. My jaw dropped when she emerged. She looked fucking incredible. "Guess who's getting lucky tonight?!" she laughed, as we all roared with laughter and squeals.

'What's all the screaming about?' Oli asked in a text message. 

I laughed loudly when I read it and when I told the girls, they also laughed like crazy. 

'We're just having some fun!' I replied back.

Next up was Nat, who I felt was the shyest and least into getting dressed up out of all of us, but honestly, the red dress she had picked out looked amazing. She said she didn't think she'd ever worn such a short dress in her entire life, but she really did look great. Last up was Emma, who emerged with a 'Ta-dah!' in her cute, black dress. I actually loved that it had a little flare in the skirt, but oh boy the low cut top was hot. "Happy anniversary indeed!" Dani stated with a wink, making us all laugh again.
"Come on Joy!" Emma said, now looking at me still sitting in my robe. Oh right, I had to do the reveal too. As I put the dress on, it was even sexier than I remembered. The addition of this new push up bra made it almost too much, even for me. When I stepped out, the girls all squealed and then very seriously, Nat stopped. "Oh shit." she stated. "Oli is actually going to have a heart attack..." she said. There was silence and then they all erupted into laughter. I think the wine was kicking in because even I was laughing. "It's too much, isn't it?" I asked them seriously.
"FUCK NO!" Dani screamed. I stuck my head out of the bedroom door and yelled out to Tom again. We got him in to take some more photos of us now that we were actually ready and I playfully tried to teach the girls how to pose, lol. It was ten minutes to eight by time we'd had some fun, so we downed one more round of wine and I sent Tom out to make sure the guys were in the lounge, ready to go. "They're ready." Tom yelled back.

The girls seemed so excited, but admitted that for some reason they also felt a little nervous. I could relate to that, I got nervous sometimes too, but the fear didn't stop them from racing to the door. "You honestly all look incredible. Your guys are going to be so excited when they see you." I said happily. "I hope you feel as amazing as you look." I smiled to them, so excited by how great they looked. They all came over and we had a group hug and then they flooded out the door. I was quickly helping Macy pack up and I could hear the girls' heels as they walked down the stairs and the guys wolf whistling and woo-ing. I just smiled to myself because I knew how amazing they must have felt. I loved that I could treat them to some pampering. "Joy! Come on!" I heard Emma yell from downstairs. I stood by the doorway for a second, waiting for Macy and I overheard Dani speaking; saying that I looked 'fucking ridiculous' in a polite way. I suddenly felt nervous about walking out there, like all eyes would be on me when I didn't really want them to be. At least I had Macy with me, I suppose. I stepped out and immediately felt a little awkward about the way I was dressed seeing as my outfit was incredibly sexy. "Is she going in slow-motion for anyone else?" Nat asked jokingly, breaking the silence. I laughed awkwardly and felt myself blush... I felt embarrassed and tried to avoid making eye contact with anyone, but Macy started speaking before we reached the bottom of the stairs. THANK GOD for the distraction. All of the girls came over to thank her and I headed to the lift to press the button, mainly just to avoid the awkwardness I was feeling. Oli came running over as I waited for the lift to arrive. "You need me!" he said, "I mean, to get back up; back to the apartment." he added in a jumble.
"Oh yeah, I would have been stranded." I replied, realising that I did in fact need his key to get back to the apartment. I held the lift doors open until Macy arrived and once we were inside, I thanked her again as we travelled down to the ground floor. As we came to a stop and the door slid open, she turned and looked at me with a grin on her face before heading to her car. "Remember what I said about the ball." she said, winking at me. Oh lord.

After Macy had gone, I pressed the 'up' button again as Oli swiped his key and the doors slid shut on the lift. I knew Oli was going to ask about what she said, and as soon as we started moving, he did.  "The ball?" he automatically asked as we waited.
"Oh, it's nothing." I said. 'Oh only that you have a gigantic crush on me' I thought to myself.
"By the way, you look amazing." he said hesitantly, I think trying not to look at my cleavage. I felt bad to be honest, I knew the dress was a lot and if Macy was right, it was kind of like dangling a carrot in front of a rabbit. "Thank you." I replied. "You look pretty good yourself!" I said looking at him standing there. He did look pretty great, I wont lie. He was more dressed up than I'd seen before... wearing black ripped jeans, and a dark, floral button up shirt. He scratched the back of his head like he didn't really know how to accept the compliment though. "Thanks." he said, his cheeks going slightly pink. That was the first time in a long time that our conversation had been awkward. He just kind of stood there like he didn't know what to say, so I decided to steer the conversation. "Did the guys lose their shit when they saw the girls?" I asked breaking the silence. "Yeah." he laughed. "There were a lot of 'holy fucks' and 'oh my gods'." he replied. I just smiled and thanked him for making sure everything went to plan.

When the lift arrived back on the top floor and slid open, everyone was still gathered in the lounge and the mood in the room was still one of excitement. "Thank you for doing this for us, Joy!" Emma said as Oli and I re-joined the group.
"It was my pleasure." I replied with a smile.
"Ohhhh... you'll never guess what music Joy put on when we were getting ready..." Nat suddenly said out loud to the group. Everyone looked at her waiting for the answer. "Skrillex." Nat said with a big smile. Everyone looked at each other with some kind of knowing amusement, like it was some kind of inside joke and I had no idea what was going on. "What's wrong with Skrillex?" I asked, laughing awkwardly.
"You didn't tell her?" Jordan asked Oli. Oli looked amused as he looked at me.
"What?" I asked.
"I'll tell you later." he replied, taking a sip of his beer. That was the first time I had felt left out around them and honestly, I hated it. I felt like they were laughing at my expense, but there was nothing I could do about it.

I went to the kitchen to get a drink and Oli followed right behind me. "Fucking hell." he said to himself under his breath. I don't think I was supposed to hear it to be honest, I didn't even know what it was about. As I turned around to face him, his eyes went straight to my boobs and I felt bad because even though I felt amazing, I knew the dress really was a lot. "I know..." I said, knowingly. "Even I think the dress is too much, but what else am I going to wear now?" I asked, referring to the more-than-revealing dress. He laughed.
"It's not too much..." he said with a pause. "It's just impossible to ignore your, uh... it's hard to pretend I'm not, you know... looking." he said, the corners of his lips curling into a grin. I hit him in the arm and proceeded to get myself a drink and he just laughed. Dani came running in and hugged me from my left as I poured wine. "How fucking gorgeous is this girl?" she exclaimed, semi directing the question-come-statement at Oli. It was like he went shy, because he looked at the floor and touched his hair. "I know." he said in agreeance. That was when I started to think that maybe Macy was right. But then again, it was probably just my boobs overwhelming him. They can do strange things to men. "Anyway, I'm here to steal her for a photo." Dani said now grabbing my arm and pulling me away. Tom was taking photos of everyone in their couples, and Dani wanted one of the two of us, so I happily obliged then watched on as she took some with Lee. When they were done, Tom told me and Oli to get together for a photo and I felt instantly awkward. Oli looked unsure, maybe awkward too, but I wasn't about to shut him down or make the moment uncomfortable. I knew I had to lighten the mood so I just dragged him over and jumped on his back, piggy-back style to avoid awkward couple-pose type situations. "Do NOT turn around or everyone is gonna see my butt." I said in his ear. He laughed and we just had fun with it for a couple of minutes.

Dani called a taxi van just before 8:30pm and we all downed the last of our drinks, ready to head out for what was no doubt going to be a crazy night.

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