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At 10am the following morning, we jumped into our car and it whizzed us off toward Philadelphia. I was so excited to see Oli on stage again and I guess he even seemed pretty excited to be performing again. Maybe he was just excited that I'd be watching? I hadn't seen Jordan, Micky, Lee or Matt since Connecticut six weeks ago and a lot  had changed since then. I was positive that they knew about Oli and I, surely he would have told them already, but I was excited for them to actually see us together. They'd seen us getting close from early on in our story and I'm pretty sure Jordan at least always knew I had feelings for Oli...  it was nice that they'd now see it come full circle and actually become a relationship.

The drive took longer than it should due to an accident on the freeway, plus we also made an unplanned stop for snacks that we wouldn't have done had we known about the upcoming traffic jam! We ended up arriving late but wandered into the venue together with Oli holding onto my hand tightly. I felt as though he was proud to be showing the guys that we were together now... they hadn't ever actually seen us as a couple, even though it had been going on for over a month. "Well look who it is!" Micky said loudly, automatically turning and heading toward us from in front of the stage. The others all noticed our arrival once he'd practically declared we were there, and they followed suit. I let go of Oli's hand and Micky grabbed me, lifted my feet off the floor and spun me – he did that every time I saw him and I loved it. "Long time no see! I missed you guys!" I joked. It had been over a month since I'd seen them, even though it felt like much longer, and it was kind of mind-blowing that the last time I saw them, Oli and I weren't anything – we hadn't even kissed! I greeted the others with hugs too and then I looked at Oli, who appeared to be absolutely beaming. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his cheek and he kissed my forehead as his arm went around me too. "Aww... you guys look happy." Jordan cooed.
"You better get used to it, we're official now!" Oli quipped proudly with a proud little laugh while I giggled to myself.
"Really? That's awesome!" Jordan replied.
"Yep, for some reason she agreed to have me as her boyfriend." he said, looking at me. There was that self-deprecating humour again.
"Aww..." Micky cooed before the guys all congratulated us. It was kind of funny to me, but I liked that they approved. "Well we want to hear all about it, but we should get soundcheck over with so we can relax." Matt said, killing the moment. I totally understood though, they were there to work and we had arrived a little late. We headed backstage and I chilled out on the lounge with my phone while Oli did what he had to do. I gave him his space, though I did follow him out to the stage  to watch him scream and test the microphone. I loved seeing that side of Oli come out. It was kind of like the dark, bad boy side of him and I loved it.

As I sat on the edge of the stage watching Oli and the others down on the floor figuring out something at the sound and lighting stage, I just smiled to myself. I sometimes found it hard to believe that I was where I was, that I had a boyfriend who adored me, that he was a famous musician... and that it was Oli; the guy I'd met when I was an absolute nobody and completely emotionally unavailable. It had been such a bumpy ride with him, but here I was now, beside him on this crazy journey called life.
"Hey Joy, what you doing sitting here?" I heard from behind me as someone came and sat beside me. It was Jordan and he dangled his legs off the stage and looked down at the others, who were completely oblivious to us being there.
"Hey Jordan," I said as he joined me.
"What are they doing?" he asked as he looked to the rest of the band.
"Beats me. I'm just sitting here in a daydream to be completely honest with you." I admitted truthfully which made him laugh. I guess Oli heard him and it made him turn around and notice us there. He just looked at me and smiled, so I smiled back.
"You know, I've known him for a pretty long time and I've never seen him this happy." Jordan said with a smile. I just watched Oli for a moment then looked over at Jordan happily. I can't deny it – I loved hearing him say that. I loved making Oli happy.
"Do you remember in Connecticut, we were literally sitting on the edge of the stage like we are now and I was telling you that I wished I had someone in my life?" I asked. "And you said to me you looked forward to the day someone got it right and I would come and tell you how in love I was?" I added. He smiled at me and nodded. I looked back toward Oli as he worked and I felt so overwhelmingly happy.
"I'm so in love with him." I admitted happily before looking back toward Jordan.
"Awww..." he cooed as he leaned in to give me a massive hug. "I'm so happy for you. You both really deserve happiness and I think you're really good together." he said.
"I haven't told him yet." I whispered. I knew I should and I wanted to, but I wasn't sure if I should wait for him to say it first.
"Well Joy, I think if you feel it you should just tell him because I'm sure it's mutual." he replied, still hugging me. I felt so warm and fuzzy.

"Um, excuse me. Can I get one of those please?!" Oli suddenly said, interrupting us from the barrier in front of the stage; his arms outstretched like he wanted a hug. I laughed at him as I let go of Jordan. Oli was so funny sometimes. I climbed down from the stage then up onto a little ledge thing on the metal barrier. "So this is how it feels to be you." I said as I stood there looking down at him from the stage side of the barricade. "Oh my god, I'm your biggest fan!" he said in a stupid, high-pitched voice, wrapping his arms around me and pretending to be a crazed fan. I laughed as I sat onto the barrier and swung my legs over it, while he held onto me to make sure I didn't fall. He stood there between my legs and kissed me quickly before turning around. "Get on." he said as he leant forward a little. I wrapped my legs around him and put my arms around his neck, then he lifted me off the barrier and started running around the room with me on his back. I was squealing and laughing as I held on for dear life and he ran around like a kid who'd had too much sugar. I didn't know what the hell had gotten into him, but it was hilarious.
"Fuck, I'm so unfit." he said through heavy breaths after a couple of minutes. He sat me down onto a box on wheels with BMTH printed on the side then turned back toward me, so I kissed him. His hands held my waist while my arms wrapped around his neck so he couldn't get away. I'm sure he didn't want to. "You're happy, aren't you?" I asked as I sat back, keeping my arms rested on his shoulders. I could see it in his eyes, he was in a fantastic mood.
"I'm so fucking happy." he said, pulling an exaggerated, teeth-filled smile. I just laughed at him. He was silly, but it made me so happy knowing he was happy. "Oli!" Lee suddenly yelled out, interrupting our little moment. "Get the fuck back over here!" he said. Both Oli and I laughed, he was definitely more interested in me than what he was meant to be doing. I jumped down and went over to the sound and lighting stage with him to see what they were doing before heading backstage again. I didn't want to distract Oli anymore than I already had.

At 6pm, I watched as people poured through the doors and onto the barrier for the show. It was still a while until the guys went on, but I noticed some of the people in BMTH shirts and it made me feel proud of the guys, especially Oli. We stole kisses when nobody was around and we watched the support act for a while before it was time for the guys to go on stage. "See you on the flip side." I said to everyone as they climbed the stairs into the darkness and the crowd started screaming. I kissed Oli and jumped into his arms before he left. It was the first time I was seeing this side of him as his girlfriend and it was so exciting. "I'm so proud of you." I said looking at him as my legs wrapped around his waist. He kissed me and I let my legs fall back down to the floor. "Have fun." I said as the music of Shadow Moses started.
"Joy, I..." he said, before shaking his head and laughing at himself. "I'll see you after the show." he said with a smile. I swear he went to say 'I love you' but stopped himself. I waved then pulled out my phone so I could snap photos and as Oli started singing, still hidden in darkness, the crowd erupted. As always, I sang along and loved watching Oli. He poured so much emotion into his performance and looked over at me during my favourite song like he had at the last show.

Don't Let Me Drown (Oli Sykes Fan Fic) COMPLETEOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz