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The taxi trip took around twenty minutes as there was a tonne of traffic around Oxford street, and when we arrived at the venue there was a massive line outside. That was crazy! I had never seen lines like that at clubs in London before, especially not early in the night... it wasn't even 9pm! Once we'd come to a stop, Micky slid the door open and jumped out before going up to the security guy at the door. Everyone else stayed where they were in the taxi, un-phased by the whole thing and Jordan re-closed the door. I wasn't sure what was happening. "Is everything OK?" I asked, wondering if there was a problem.
"Nah it's all good" Oli said from beside me. "Just be ready to go" he added with a smile. 

I looked out the van window and saw Micky waving his hand, gesturing to follow him so Jordan slid the door open and everyone started jumping out. "Go for it." Oli said, letting me go ahead of him. I followed the others straight in past the people waiting and he was right behind me. I knew because I heard someone in the crowd yell out his name, followed by a few people cheering. "Hello." I heard him say in response in an awkward kind of tone. That was honestly such a strange experience. I have to admit, it was like I was famous and skipping the line like a VIP... oh, wait... that was exactly what was happening because I was with the band, lol.

I hadn't been that place before and it was massive, despite looking quite inconspicuous from the street. There were two separate levels with a mezzanine for a DJ, and we were apparently the first people to arrive. A guy who obviously knew Oli greeted us and gave him one of those man-type-handshake-hug things that guys do, then led us upstairs. We had a VIP area all to ourselves with a big round lounge, and a private bar at the back with an open bar... I suddenly realised how the other half lived! There was a glass barricade that looked out over the entire club that also had direct access to the stage via stairs, and as I stood there taking it all in, I saw a logo flash up on the screen behind the DJ's station. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" I squealed loudly, looking around at everyone, then landing my eyes on Oli. I knew that logo and Oli was smiling hugely at me, knowing that I knew. "ARE WE AT A FUCKING SKRILLEX SHOW?!" I screamed. He just stared at me in amusement. "Yeah, you wanna go meet him?" Oli asked like it was totally nothing, though smiling like a Cheshire cat. "OH MY FUCKING GOD!" I said covering my mouth with my hand in disbelief then sitting back onto the couch in case I passed out. Everyone else was laughing at how shocked I was and I laughed to myself too. I was in a world that I definitely didn't belong in. Someone came around and gave us wristbands for getting back into our little haven if we ventured out, as well as delivering a tray of shots to the table in the middle of the lounge. "To Joy having no fucking idea that we were coming to see Skrillex!" Jordan said, laughing and raising a shot glass. We all took the shots and watched as people started pouring through the door.

Tom was already roaming around with his camera and taking photos while the rest of us were sitting around chatting. The girls were reminiscing on us getting ready together, laughing about how oblivious I was about Skrillex and how great Macy was... I was enjoying the conversation, but when Oli left for the bar, I followed him. "Feeling OK now?" he said with a smile as he noticed me arrive. I nudged him with my body and chuckled. "I can't believe you didn't tell me." I said.
"I can't believe you played him back at the apartment! I would have died if I had of heard it." he quipped with a laugh. I playfully nudged him again. "Thanks." I said looking him in the eyes.
"What for?" he asked. I just shrugged and smiled. I'd honestly had the best few days with him and his friends. It was a world away from how I'd been feeling since my friends had gone back to America and I was constantly bored and lonely. "Everything." I said gratefully. That was the first time I'd ever felt vulnerable around him, but I genuinely appreciated the way he'd let me into his world. He put his arm around me and rested his head over against mine in some weird-side hug type thing, and it was at that moment I noticed how good he smelt. Oh god.

As we stood there in our strange but really lovely side-hug, I heard a 'Hello' and Oli let go of me to greet his friend. "Hey man!" he exclaimed. I saw pretty quickly who it was and my heart literally dropped. Skrillex. 'Oh my god. Play it cool Joy, don't be crazy' I told myself, knowing that Oli would introduce me. I was losing my shit inside when he turned around and Skrillex was now right in front of me. "This is Joy." Oli said introducing us. I tried so hard to play it cool but I was smiling like an idiot. "Hello, it's so great to meet you." I said leaning in for a hug. Jesus Christ. I'd just hugged Skrillex without even thinking. Luckily he didn't seem to mind. "In case you haven't noticed, she's a big fan." Oli said with a chuckle. Asshole, lol.
"Oh yeah?" Skrillex asked. How embarrassing. He went on to ask me if I had any requests for his set, which was absolutely insane by also utterly amazing. In what world does a world-famous DJ ask me for song suggestions?! "Well obviously some Bring Me The Horizon..." I said trailing off. "And if you have Angst by Nero, it's one of my favourites." I added.
"That one's already in my set. You have good taste." he replied. I couldn't believe it. 

Oli called Tom over and introduced him as well then asked for a photo. "Can you get a photo of us?" Oli asked his brother. I assumed he meant himself and Skrillex so I took a step back, but no. "Get in here!" he said to me, instructing me to stand between them both. I felt giddy sandwiched between these two mega famous musicians, but tried not to look insane as Tom snapped photos. "Give me your best crazy faces." Tom instructed after several normal ones. God, I probably looked crazy in all of them! We wrapped up taking photos and I figured I'd better let the guys chat since they were friends. "Well I'll leave you guys to catch up." I said touching Skrillex on the arm without even thinking. "It was really nice to meet you." I added with a stupid grin. I walked back to the group and silently mouthed 'Oh My God' to them, still in disbelief. I sat down with my drink and watched Oli talking to Skrillex, while the others chatting. I don't know what was going on with me, but Oli was looking really good. I had never really noticed until now... maybe I was just in an insanely good mood after meeting someone I adored. "Are you staring at Oli or Skrillex?" Dani whispered in my ear, making me jump. God knows how long I had been in a trance-like stare. I felt myself go red and she nudged me knowingly. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone." she said with a wink. I took an embarrassed sip of my drink having no idea what to say to her... I didn't want to admit that I thought Oli looked good in fear of them trying to awkwardly set us up or something. "Don't look, but they're looking at you now." Dani whispered with a tiny laugh. Of course, when someone tells you not to look, the first thing you do is look - so I did. I felt my face go red when I caught Oli's eye. Jesus Christ. I looked away, but like an absolute idiot, I looked again and he was still looking over at me. JESUS CHRIST, JOY! I thought as I forced myself to look the other way and stay focused on something else.

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