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A couple of weeks passed and I was still in London with Behati, but Hannah had since gone back to New York. After Reading festival, Hannah seemed to change. She was always the 'wild' one out of the three of us, but after the festival, it was like her outgoing nature completely disappeared and she decided to 'focus' on work. Unfortunately she hadn't booked a single job since we'd been in London, so she started to give up. She decided that things were better for her back in New York, so she packed up and headed back to the big apple within the space of 4 days. I felt like maybe she never told me the full story about Reading festival, and that maybe something else happened backstage in that tent, but she stuck to her story and said that it just made her think about the way she acted. I could understand that, but I still wondered. The goodbye was sad, but we all knew it wasn't forever and we'd all see each other again soon.

Behati and I were still renting the tiny apartment, though with only two of us, it was a little easier, though it did mean our split of the rent went up. We had both done a few auditions and landed some small jobs, but it was sometimes stressful making ends meet. I had long but forgotten about how much fun I'd had at Reading festival now that I was back to reality of looking for jobs, going to auditions and being rejected and budgeting to make sure I could keep a roof over my head. I told Behati about Oli and what had happened on that day, but we were  more focused on Hannah and her experience there, as well as the shitty moment when we were  kicked out. Some nights I would think about everything that happened and wonder if I'd dreamed the entire thing, but I'd look at my photos from the side of stage and just smile at the memory.

A few weeks on and Behati and I were now desperately looking for work. I was applying for modelling jobs that I usually wouldn't, or that I might not really be suitable for, and we were also starting to consider working in bars at night for some extra cash. After a few call-backs for auditions, I eventually landed a gig with a London-based company who hired me for a party. They hired based on personality - I know how strange that sounds - though of course, you had to look the part before they even considered what your personality was like. The job was to basically stand around looking pretty at a celebrity-studded party and mingle with guests and talk about the jewellery that you were wearing. It wasn't my ideal type of 'modelling', but at least it paid well, and at least it was something else to add to my London portfolio.

The party was held on a Friday night at a swanky hotel in central London. There were paparazzi out the front, flashy cars pulling up one after another and more bottles of expensive champagne than could ever possibly be needed. A hair and makeup team got me and four other girls ready for the event in one of the hotel rooms, where a 'behind the scenes' style photo shoot also happened for their social media accounts. It was actually kind of fun because our make up artist was so full of personality and joked around so much with the photographer. By 7pm I was in my dress with my hair pulled back, sporting gorgeous jewellery worth more than I'd earnt in my entire career and probably would for another decade. Sadly, I had to give it back, but it was fun to wear it all the same. I stood waiting in the foyer to greet people and hand them a brochure as they arrived, feeling a little nervous but also happy knowing that I would be able to pay my share of the rent. I saw quite a few famous faces as I greeted people and I copped a few sexist remarks, but I just let them go over my head. Once everyone had arrived, I just had to stand around looking pretty and speak with people about the jewellery, and that was how I met John.

John was famous, gorgeous and utterly charming. I recognised him straight away, but I kept it professional even though I was a little bit star-struck. He approached me and struck up a conversation about the champagne even though I wasn't drinking it, and despite the fact that I was 'working', he made sure he spoke to me about totally unrelated things to jewellery. He asked me about my life, where I was from and dropped a couple of compliments that despite being lame as hell, still felt nice. We chatted for at least ten minutes until an older woman who could clearly afford whatever she wanted approached, interested in the earrings I was wearing. John went into some kind of salesman mode and I had to try not to laugh as he spoke. "Don't they just look absolutely beautiful on her?" he asked the lady smoothly. "I think they would look just as beautiful on you." he added. I tried not to smile. I couldn't believe how smooth that line was. The lady was thrilled by his compliment and I guess it was nice that he made her feel good, but wow. He was certainly a charmer. "That was disgustingly smooth." I said with a tiny laugh once the lady had left. "Well," he said. "Anything to stay here chatting with the most beautiful girl in the room." he added.

Part of me wanted to vomit, but the girl inside of me was swooning. I hadn't wanted to get involved with anyone and I certainly didn't plan it, but it was impossible not to be swept off my feet by John's confidence and charm. Toward the end of the night, he told me that he liked me because I was "real" and "down to earth". He said he could tell that I didn't care about his, or anyone else at the parties' fame or fortune, and it was true. I'd always kind of thought that famous people are still just people, so why treat them differently to the person who serves you at the grocery store, or the person who pumps your gas? I generally don't get star-struck or overwhelmed, though I have to admit, if I met Heidi Klum or Tyra Banks, I would probably die. I absolutely love both of them!

John asked me on a date before the end of the night and even though part of me was screaming no, I said yes. I didn't fall for him immediately... I played it cool and kept a bit of a wall up, but I really did start to like him the more we spoke. He was witty and funny and didn't seem to take the party, or himself too seriously. Behati was thrilled that I was back on "the dating wagon" and completely lost her mind when she realised I was going on a date with a celebrity, while. I tried not to think about it... I never wanted to see him as anything other than a person.

We went on our first date two nights later... he took me to a fancy restaurant at the hotel he was staying at, and then on the London Eye. Even though I'd seen it many times, I'd never been on it and I must admit, kissing him as we looked out over the lights of London was pretty romantic. He asked me to see him the following night, this time a trip to the theatre in West End where he wore a wig to make sure he wouldn't be recognised. Moments like that made it harder to forget who he was, but I didn't focus on it. We ended up seeing each other for the next two nights too - a total of four nights in a row, with the last night drinking wine on his hotel balcony. By our third date, I was scared because I knew I actually liked him. It seemed too good to be true, but he was winning me over night after night. I had always fallen too quickly for people, and I knew it was happening again, but I couldn't stop myself. He was the first famous person I'd dated, and he had me wrapped around his finger within a week.

John was based in New York and had to leave after our four dates together, but he promised to video call me every night for the next two weeks until he was back in London. I'd never done the long-distance thing but I decided to give it a chance, even though I will admit that it scared me. I had a lot of trust issues after my past relationships, but part of me still believed in love, and even though I was weary, I was going to take a chance on him.

He kept his promise and he video called me every night, well, a couple of times he just sent a text and sometimes the calls were really short, but that was OK with me. I knew if I was clingy he would run away, so I played it cool but honestly, it felt pretty good that he had kept his word. He constantly said he missed me and that he wished he was back in London with me and it melted my heart. It felt nice to be wanted, even though I was still cautious. Despite being hurt before, I was opening up and letting my walls down again, and that felt good. I loved love, I really did. I lived for that warm, fuzzy feeling of knowing someone gives a shit about you and thinks about you, knowing that someone misses you and wishes you were in their arms. I missed that kind of happiness. It had been a while since I'd felt anything even remotely close to love or happiness in a romantic way, so it was nice to have those feelings start to resurface again. 

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