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Everyone gathered downstairs around the TV on the lounge, floor and various beanbags. Oli threw himself into the end of the couch in the L shaped corner while I sat cross-legged in the middle and Emma and Jordan cuddled up on the other end. The guys had already picked out the movie, some new blood and gore, scary thing, much to my - horror. I actually hated horror movies; I think I just have too vivid of an imagination and I sometimes forget that it's all make believe. I didn't say anything about it though since I was the visitor in their home, but as soon as they turned off all the lights and the movie started, I was scared.

In the darkness, I got out my phone and typed a message in the notes app and I showed it to Oli after tapping his shoulder to get his attention.

'I'm not good with scary movies. I'm not brave and I scare easily, lol.' the message read.

He looked at me and smiled then took the phone from my hand, typing a reply over my message as to not disrupt the others. 

'Do you want to do something else?' the message read.

It was really considerate of him to offer, but I didn't want to be ungrateful or take him away from bonding with his friends, so I just shook my head. He started typing in another message before passing the phone back to me. 'I'll tell you when to cover your eyes'. it read. I was semi relieved. At least maybe I'd avoid the super-awful parts. The movie didn't start off too bad and it was about twenty minutes in before Oli tapped me on the shoulder and beckoned me toward him. I shuffled across the cushions closer to him and he put his hand in front of my face. "Close your eyes!" he whispered in amusement. I closed my eyes and put my hands over my ears but I could still hear the music. It was suspenseful as hell and I could tell that something was about to go down, and then I heard a sudden noise, followed by shrieks, a chainsaw and then someone squealing 'Eww' loudly. I pressed my face into Oli's shoulder and laughed into his shirt, relieved that I hadn't seen whatever it was. When I looked up, he was smiling like crazy at me. God, that smile. He must have thought I was SUCH a wuss but he looked so amused that everyone had screamed and squealed. I was just thankful he saved me from it. There he went again – saving me...

The same thing happened again about ten minutes later and the gruesome bits seemed to be getting more frequent but I still put my face into his shoulder and covered my ears every time. "I think I'm just going to stay here." I said with a laugh, my voice muffled in his shirt as I face planted his shoulder. He just laughed. I was comfortable for a few minutes, but having your face on a rock-hard shoulder isn't the most comfortable place and I was fidgeting around trying to find the right spot to get comfortable. After about a minute of me doing that, he shifted and raised his arm up, so my head slipped somewhere between his chest and armpit without saying anything or even looking over. 'Ummm...' I thought. I wasn't sure about being there, though I would be lying if I said I didn't like it. Hugs and cuddling were always my favourite thing about having a boyfriend or even a close friend who liked physical contact as much as I did. Oli put his arm around me just a moment later and I wondered if he'd even realised he'd done it, I mean, he did seem pretty engrossed in the movie. After a few minutes, he covered my eyes with the hand that was around my shoulder and I realised how the way he'd moved made perfect sense for covering my eyes, so I stopped overthinking it or worrying about what anyone else thought and went with it. I stayed there in his arm, with my head kind of against his chest for the entire movie. I know I was meant to be watching the movie, but it was impossible for me to not be distracted by how we were sitting. It was cosy. He smelt good too; like chlorine mixed with his deodorant that was obviously lingering in his shirt. 'Jesus Christ' I thought to myself at how easy it was being there and how much I enjoyed it. I relaxed and made myself more comfortable and he blocked my eyes at least a dozen times throughout the movie so I didn't see any of the horrible, gory bits. I loved that he was doing that and that I got to avoid them. As I rested there I started wondering if maybe I was leading him on though, I mean, would I really be sitting that comfortably with someone I had only just met? Someone I had zero feelings for? I contemplated it, but god it felt so good to have his arm around me. It wasn't even that it was him specifically, just to have human contact was so nice and I really DID love hugs and cuddles. I was warm and cosy and I felt so safe there. It had been nearly three months since I'd been with John, so I was enjoying the closeness and the affection - even though I knew I shouldn't.

As the movie ended, Oli stretched his arms out, nudging me to get the hell off of him so I sat up and rubbed my eyes as someone flicked the lights back on. "Jesus!" Lee exclaimed as we were all blinded. I headed to the kitchen to fetch water and I mistakenly overheard Jordan speaking to Oli as I walked away. I couldn't hear everything, but I clearly heard my name. "Man, I need a stiff drink after that!" Emma said as she arrived in the kitchen and stopped at the bench next to me. "How did you like the movie?" she asked with a smile and a hint of sarcasm in her voice. I figured she was probably asking because she and Jordan were sitting beside me and had probably noticed the way I was cuddled up with Oli. I tried not to be embarrassed but I felt my face getting hot. Shit. "Luckily, I missed all the scary bits." I said, trying to defer the question a little. She just  laughed. "Help me bring the vodka to the lounge?" she asked as she took all 3 bottles out of the fridge.

The group decided that it was time to lighten things up and play another drinking game called 'Never Have I Ever'. The rules of the game were simple: someone says something they haven't done and if anyone in the group has done the thing said, they have to take a drink. We filled a bunch of shot glasses with vodka and put them in the middle of the coffee table and everyone picked one up ready to begin. I knew I wouldn't be drinking a lot since I had never really done anything overly outrageous, but I was curious to see what Oli and his band mates would be admitting to doing. I could only imagine the things they'd gotten up to in their lives as rockstars! Some of the more interesting things that people drank to were having slept with more than one person in the same night, threesomes, sex on planes and being arrested. I drank for a few; kissing a member of the same sex, faking an orgasm and sending dick or boob pics. The statement I found the most interesting of the night was by Nat, when she said 'I haven't slept with more than 20 people', meaning that anyone who had, had to drink. Every single guy in the band took a shot which wasn't really surprising, but then Matt raised the stakes on the same question; "I haven't slept with more than 50 people." he said. This time only Micky and Oli took a shot and I didn't make eye contact with anyone. Micky then took it a step further. "I haven't slept with more than 100 people." he stated with a grin. I quickly looked at Oli, as did everyone else. 'Surely not' I thought to myself, but sure enough, Oli took the shot. "You fucking slut!" Micky said with laughter. I had to do everything in my power to not let my jaw hit the floor or let my facial expression show my shock. "Oh fuck off!" Oli said laughing in embarrassment.
"How bloody many is it?" Tom asked, seemingly surprised.
"I dunno, I stopped counting. Probably about 120." Oli replied scratching the back of his head awkwardly.
"You've had 5 girlfriends, when the fuck did the other 115 happen?" Lee asked laughing.
"I don't know, when we were young and dumb." Oli said trying to move the game on. "Anyway, next question!" he exclaimed desperately. I kind of felt bad for him but at the same time... 120. He wasn't that old, I could barely believe it. A few more questions amongst the group and a couple more that I had to drink to; sex in a car and owning handcuffs, but I was going to avoid a hangover the next day seeing as I didn't drink that much. At 2am we decided to call it a night and resume the game another time. I was fine, some of the others were tipsy, and somehow, despite taking a LOT of shots, Oli still seemed sober.

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