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Over the next few days, Oli and I were sort of being hermits and in a way I kind of loved it... it was "normal" life and I was just as happy with him in the ordinary world than I was in the crazy, celebrity one.

Oli was really close with his brother, so we went out with Tom quite a bit and we took the dogs  for walks pretty regularly too - dressed in outfits that would keep us blended in to everyone else in Sheffield. We went out for drinks on Friday night with the rest of the band and their girlfriends and it was so good to see the girls again - it had been such a long time, but we got on like a house on fire just like we used to. Oli also took me for a very sweet and romantic picnic in the national park one day. That might have been my favourite thing we did - that and grocery shopping together where I had to try and stop Oli from buying all of the sugary shit! He took me to meet his parents and while I was really nervous about it, I had no reason to be. They were lovely, inviting and friendly and it was really obvious that Oli got his kind and polite side from his mum, while his humour definitely came from his Dad. He joked that Oli must have been paying me to pretend to be his girlfriend because I was "way too good" for him, lol. This subsequently led to Oli and his Dad practically wrestling on the floor while his Mum, Carol, just shook her head in a way that told me this wasn't necessarily uncommon. I loved Oli's family vibe, it was fun and silly, inviting, and they made me feel very welcome. Oli also took me to Drop Dead; to see where everything was designed, manufactured and then shipped from the massive factory that held all the stock. It was impressive and I was truly proud of the empire Oli had built for himself. Life felt amazing and being with Oli in his home, without the travelling, touring, interviews, concerts... it felt so normal. Both of our lives were anything but normal, but when we were alone together without all of the other stuff around us, that's how it felt. Normal. Simple. Easy. Perfect.

In a fitting example of how our lives were anything BUT normal, Luiz texted me one night and asked if he could call me. I obviously texted back 'yes' since I wasn't in the middle of anything and he wouldn't just ask to call me for the sake of it, so it must have been semi-important.
"Soooo... after Dubai, we're going to have to make a pitstop in Paris before heading to Madrid." he said as soon as I answered the phone. "Well hello to you too." I said with a laugh.
"Sorry!" he replied. He asked how I was, so I told him that I was enjoying being 'normal' with Oli, but we kept it pretty short. "So... unfortunately your three days off are now going to be in Paris." he added.
"Why's that?" I asked as I got up and walked to the kitchen to fetch a snack.
"Well, the French Fashion Federation want to see you. In person." he answered. "I haven't had a chance to dig around and try and find out why yet, but it sounded like it's a big deal." he added. I was kind of bummed that this invitation had come up since I thought maybe I could get back to the UK for a few days to spend time with Oli, but I guess it sounded like this trip to Paris was important. Why on earth would the French Fashion Federation want to see me personally in Paris though? They were at the epicentre of fashion, where many of the world's most famous brands started and still operate... they were the people who ran Paris fashion week and basically created the idea of runway shows all together. They were what you would call 'heavy hitters' in the fashion world, probably the biggest if I'm being honest. The 'Vogue' of the runway and events world. Luiz was eager to hang up so he could try and find out any information he could after delivering the news to me... honestly, I didn't know where or how he figured out half the things he did, but there wasn't much he couldn't get insider details about.

I forgot about it over the next few days, literally wanting to focus all of my attention on Oli and just being with him. I didn't even post anything much to Instagram, purposely avoiding anything that made it obvious I was in Sheffield or with Oli. Luckily I had some magazine launches and a campaign drop that I could post to keep people engaged, plus I took photos of my outfits and selfies in an effort to keep posting content, but I kept details and hints about my private life offline entirely.

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