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We both stripped down and climbed into the bath and I sat in front of Oli in the water. It was insanely romantic and surprisingly, completely not sexual as we just relaxed there quietly and he ran his fingertips up my arms and kissed my head. He didn't say anything, but I hoped he knew he could talk to me, that I would have listened if he wanted to talk about his feelings. Given his past, I would always have time to listen. We spent about half an hour in the water and we didn't even open the wine. I was waiting for him to make a move into sexual territory, but surprisingly, he never did, we just laid there in the warmth together, gently touching and being close. It wasn't until I made a joke about my skin going wrinkly that we decided to get out, wrapping up in towels to dry off and then heading for the bed. He cuddled into me and touched me softly all over and I planted delicate kisses on his skin. I got the feeling he didn't want to have sex, or at least wasn't wanting to go crazy like he sometimes did. After laying there quietly for ten minutes his touch became more intimate and sensual and his body let me know that he wanted more, so I took control. I climbed on top and found my way to him, then took it slow and steady. We made love, or actually, we made that number 4 type of love and I fell asleep with his head on my stomach after we'd both found our release. It was like we'd completely reversed roles as I had my arm around him and was stroking his hair before falling asleep, damp towels on the bed and everything.

When I woke up the next morning, Oli was already awake, looking at me with bright eyes and I smiled at him. "Hey." I said wearily.
"We're going to Universal today!" he quipped. "I'm so fucking excited." he said joyfully with a huge smile. He was obviously over the sadness and feelings of last night and was now beaming about running around like a child all day. I laughed at him and shook my head. He was so goddamn cute when he was excited.

We joined the guys for breakfast in the hotel and then, much to Oli's excitement, we headed into Universal Studios for the day. Oli was so full of beans - he could barely contain himself and I just found it adorable how much of a child he was at heart. We got VIP passes so we didn't have to queue all day and then headed into the park – straight to the Jurassic Park area. I had honestly never seen an adult man fan girl over something so much in my entire life... Oli was running around almost screaming at all the props and dinosaurs popping out of the trees. Every other minute he was asking me to take a photo of him, lol. I was happy to do it though. I took a bunch of photos of him and the guys in front of the dinosaurs and he was losing his mind as he posted them to Instagram. It was so cute to see him like that. It was then onto some crazy insane green roller coaster where Oli and I got the front seats. As we sat there and it was about to shoot us into the sky, Oli looked at me like he was slightly terrified so I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. Of course once it was over he wanted to go again, so I waited while the guys did. It was then onto a Men In Black ride where you shot aliens, the log ride, Harry Potter world and a dozen other things before Oli hit the gift shop. He bought a dinosaur souvenir cup, a key ring and a stuffed tyrannosaurus rex and I had to resist laughing. It cracked me up how much he loved the Jurassic Park franchise. After a fun, exhausting and crazy day in the park, we headed back to the hotel. I was spent, but Oli was still full of adrenaline and I loved seeing him in such a good, happy mood. He informed me that we were going to the other park the next day because little did I know, there were two different parks in the complex and I just laughed. I had a tonne of fun and loved running around with the guys, so I didn't mind and I knew how much Oli loved it so was of course happy to see him having fun. When we got back to our room, Luiz called me and Oli took a shower while I spoke with him. He had a strange kind of tone in his voice as he started chatting and it instantly made me nervous.

"So, people are talking on Instagram." he stated after a quick hello greeting.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Someone commented on the photo you posted of yourself from Universal Studios saying that they saw you with the band." he replied. "And then someone else commented saying that they saw you and Oli together." he added.
"Oh." I replied. I didn't really care if people knew about us, but I guess it could make things shit for Oli... and I guess it was nice not having anyone - aka the media - know.
"So I went to Oli's Instagram and there's A LOT of talking going on. People put two and two together since you both posted photos from Universal Studios today... and then there was a girl saying she met Oli last night at the hotel and you were with him... and other people saying they saw you in the same hotel." he said. Based on Luiz's tone and fast talking, I clearly wasn't as worried about it as he was, but I guess he was just looking out for me, and for Oli.
"Well... I can't do much about it now I guess, but I'll be more careful." I said. I wasn't sure what else he wanted me to say.
"No, it's totally fine, I just wanted you to know that there's whispers and you know what the media are like... if they figure it out, shit could get crazy." he informed. He was right, but we only had one more day in the US, aka land of crazy paparazzi anyway... surely it would be fine.
"I'll speak with Oli once he gets out of the shower, but I'll try and keep us on the down low for now." I promised. "You don't think I should just put it out there to the world now, do you?" I asked. I knew he always had the best intentions for me and knew a lot about this kind of stuff so there was nobody better to ask for advice.
"If you want my honest opinion, I think you should definitely try and keep it under wraps until after the lingerie show... just because it's your first one. I mean, if the media starts talking, it's good in a way, but I don't think you should confirm it until after." he said. I trusted what he told me so was happy to go with what he suggested. I honestly hated that being in a relationship got made into such a big deal in the media that I had to essentially try and hide it though. I hated having to hide that I'd fallen in love... and I truly didn't understand why anyone was even interested in my love life, or anyone's for that matter. The idea of having to 'hide' my relationship with Oli really bugged me, when all I really wanted to do was scream about it from the rooftops.

When Oli returned from the shower looking sexy as hell with a towel around his waist, I ended the call with Luiz, and I told Oli what he had told me. He was totally unphased, happy to play along with whatever Luiz thought we should do - though he joked that he couldn't wait until he could post a photo of me to 'show me off'. He assured me that he didn't mind keeping it to himself for a while though. He was really understanding in that regard and I appreciated it a lot. I took a shower and we joined the rest of the guys for dinner at a Mexican place in the hotel about half an hour later. We sat around drinking margaritas and eating vegan tacos for a pretty long time... there was a traditional band playing music too, so I guess that kept us entertained. Nobody had noticed us at dinner nor at the park that day, so when we left the restaurant, I was shocked to see fans in the hotel lobby literally waiting for the guys. I was walking at the back of the group chatting with Jordan anyway, so I snuck over to the lifts and up to the room before anyone could see me. I literally abandoned my man, 'threw him to the wolves' if you will, but he was with the others, so it was fine.

I messaged Luiz when I got to the room to tell him about the ambush and I asked if there was anything else online since he'd last checked. He told me there were a few more comments but not to worry since it was just fans talking. Oli came back to the room about ten minutes later, pulled his shirt off over his head and threw himself onto the bed, laughing at himself as he propped himself up on one arm and looked at me just staring at him from the armchair. "OK Luiz, I have to go. I'll talk to you soon." I said before hanging up. I grabbed a bottle of water and headed over to Oli, grabbing the remote from the bedside table.
"I thought we could watch Jurassic Park together." I suggested. I knew he would want to. His eyes went so wide and he just looked at me.
"Are you serious?" he asked.
"Sure. As long as you hold me for the scary bits." I replied.
"Oh my god, yes." he said sitting up. "I'll hold you for the whole thing." he added. I couldn't help but laugh a little. He was hilarious, but adorable.
"OK, you find it, I'm just going to change." I said, handing him the remote. I wanted to get out of the dress and heels I'd worn to dinner and into something more comfortable. I threw my hair into a messy bun, stripped down to just my underwear and wrapped myself in the hotel robe before walking back to the bed. Oli stared at me for a moment with wide eyes. I was topless, yes, but the robe was covering what it needed to. "Are you going to make me choose between making love to you and dinosaurs?!" he asked as if he were horrified.
"No!" I laughed.
"Why are you half naked then!?" he asked with a laugh. I just shrugged. "Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining." he said quickly.
"I don't know. It's not like you haven't seen them before though." I replied.
"Besides, it's not like you can't do both. Maybe I'll pretend I'm some poor defenceless girl and you saved me from a velociraptor so I want to make it up to you." I said.
"Oh my god, you risked your life to save me. How can I ever repay you?" I said in an over-dramatic voice. He just looked at me with wide-eyes.
"It's so fucking hot that you know what a velociraptor is." he said. "I don't want to watch the movie anymore." he stated with a laugh. I giggled and jumped on the bed.
"Yeah you do." I replied. We turned all of the lights out and cuddled up on the pile of pillows that Oli had made while I was changing. "Alright Oli-saurus, press play." I said with a laugh.

I'd seen Jurassic Park a couple of times before, but I had a new appreciation for it watching it with someone who absolutely loved it. I buried my face into Oli's chest when people were getting eaten – the gore made me squeamish, but it was a fantastic movie, I couldn't deny that. "You know they're making a new one, it's coming out next year." Oli told me excitedly. He really was a mega-fan. Once the movie was over, I was ready for bed and honestly, I think Oli was too given the gigantic yawn he had just released. We'd had a pretty crazy day running around Universal Studios. "Should we save dinosaur play time for tomorrow?" I suggested. He laughed and kissed my forehead. "Yeah, I'm fucking wrecked." he said. I looked at him for a moment to read his face... just trying to make sure he wasn't just going along with it and was secretly really disappointed. "I get to be with you every night for the next two weeks so we have plenty of time for that." he said, knowing exactly why I was looking at him. He knew me far too well, and he was also right. It's not like we were on limited time. I propped myself up and kissed him. "OK, I'm going to brush my teeth." I said, getting up from the bed and heading to the bathroom. He was already asleep when I came back, so I switched off the TV and cuddled up to him.

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