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Oli and I stood there with about six other people in this funny conversation with my friends' drunk sister for about twenty minutes, and I was content just listening to the random crap everyone was talking about with Oli by my side. I wondered what he thought about me admitting that I found him sexy, but he didn't address it. After a while, I excused myself to the table covered in hundreds of canapes of every kind and looked for the vegan section. I knew there would be one since the birthday girl was on the vegan train herself. I picked up a vegan hummus thing and threw it in my mouth, then picked up another. I was so damn hungry. "I'm starving." Oli said as he pulled up beside me at the table. I turned and held out the canape in my hand as I swallowed mine.
"It's vegan." I said as I hovered it in front of his face. I was going to feed it to him. Flirting - tick. He grinned and let me put it in his mouth and then I went straight back in for a couple more delicious little things. I found an absolutely delicious, vegan chocolate brownie and I probably laid on the orgasm noises a little too much, but you know, the flirting. Oli tried not to grin as I seriously enjoyed that little morsel of chocolatey goodness. 

I sipped my drink as Oli shoved more canapes in his mouth and as I stood there, I noticed someone across the room who looked familiar. I watched him as he stood at the bar, and I couldn't quite work out where I knew him from, but when he turned around and I saw his face clearly, my stomach dropped. I felt myself suck in a sharp breath and freeze on the spot as I stood there. I felt instantly sick. I don't know how long I was stuck there holding in my breath, but I grabbed Oli's wrist our of sheer instinct and terror. I honestly felt like I couldn't breathe properly. "Oli, my ex is here." I said swallowing hard. My entire body was so tense.
"What? Who? Where?" he asked. I started breathing rapidly, I felt a rush of numbness.
"At the bar. Black shirt." I muttered. Oli put his arm around my shoulders.
"Does this mean I have to pretend to be your boyfriend again?" he asked quietly, trying to make a joke. I couldn't laugh in that moment, even though I appreciated the effort of him lightening the mood. I couldn't move my eyes off of my ex, I couldn't be playful or joke around... I couldn't respond at all. "Maybe we should go and see what's happening outside." Oli suggested taking me out of the room and away from where I could see my stupid, sleazy, cheating, ex-boyfriend.
"Ugh, I feel sick." I complained a few minutes later. Just seeing my ex had really rattled me.
"Who is he exactly?" Oli asked. I exhaled loudly because I didn't even want to admit what he had once been to me.
"He was my first, Oli. My first boyfriend, my first love, my first everything. I moved in with him but then when I found out he was cheating, he threw me out and said I deserved it." I explained, reliving it all in my head. "He fucking destroyed me." I added with a hard exhale. It was four years ago, but it still haunted me deep down and seeing him had brought it all back up. "I... I can't do this." I said, suddenly feeling incredibly small and weak for the first time in months.

Oli leaned in close to me. "Hey, just remember how fucking amazing and successful you are. Do you know how fucking shit it would be for him seeing you now? He would be kicking himself because he fucked it up with you." he said trying to make me feel better. "Trust me, I know how that feels." he added. What Oli had said was really sweet, but I just felt awful seeing my ex standing there. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes tight. "Besides, he lost a whole lot more than you ever did... you lost a cheating asshole; he lost the most beautiful girl inside and out that he could ever possibly have." Oli said grabbing my hand. I looked at him for a moment... In the haze of everything with my ex, had Oli just given me the most beautiful compliment? Was that what he thought of me? I breathed heavily as I looked at him... as much as the situation was stressing me out, I felt like maybe Oli had just accidentally revealed his inner most thoughts. "Joy you are so much better than him. He's nothing and you are everything. Hold your head up high and don't even worry about him." he added, pulling me into him. I was so confused, all of the pain from the past had been dragged back to the surface, yet all I could think about was Oli's words, his cryptic compliments... the words I didn't know if he was saying from his heart or if he was just making up to try and make me feel better.
"OK." I said as I nodded. "I'll try and forget about him." I said.
"I have your back, always. I promise." Oli replied before kissing me on the forehead. It was the second time in 24 hours that he'd done that.

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