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I woke up to my phone ringing at 6:30am. Ugh. I looked at it and saw the stupid selfie Behati had put as her contact photo on the screen and I rolled my eyes. It was way too early.

"I'm fine..." I said groggily, answering her call after only a few hours of sleep. She didn't say hello, instead just immediately started raging angrily about how much of an asshole John was. 'How dare he do this to you', 'What are you going to say to him?' blah blah blah. It was way too early to be awake, let alone be thinking about John. "Be," I pleaded. "I have just woken up. It's way too early." I exclaimed.

I dragged myself out of bed and made myself a bowl of muesli. I was starving after not having eaten since lunch time yesterday. "He sent me a text last night," I said down the line to Behati who was now on speaker as my phone sat on the kitchen bench. "He didn't know that I'd seen the photo, because it said 'Miss you baby.'" I said with a sarcastic chuckle.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" Behati screamed down the line.
"Yeah. I already blocked his number and removed him from my life anyway." I added, trying to keep her from telling me to message something ridiculous to him. "I'm going to kill him!" she exclaimed angrily. I just laughed. Oli's words last night had really stuck in my head and I just felt like I couldn't be bothered worrying about John or anything that had happened. Less than 12 hours ago I was a total mess over the situation and I would have been screaming and getting angry about it with her, but I just didn't want to waste any more energy on it now. Oli had calmed me down last night and I didn't really want to bring everything up again.

"How are you so OK with this?" Behati asked me out of the blue in a confused tone. The truth was that I wasn't, I just didn't want to talk about it. "I'm just worried because you're there on your own and I know how upset you can get." she added. I know she was just looking out for me, but I didn't need her to fuss. "Look, Be. I'm fine, honestly. I was upset last night but Oli drove me home and he's really supportive, so I will be OK." I replied. I think she would be relieved that I had someone as an emergency contact if nothing else. "You were with Oli?" she asked.
"Yeah, I got your messages after the Green Day concert. I went with Oli and his friends." I told her. She groaned at how bad the timing was. "Well... As long as you don't blame yourself." she continued. "One of these days, a boy is going to come into your life and he is just going to be perfect and make you feel amazing, and you will KNOW that he is the right guy." she said. I rolled my eyes at her, even though she couldn't see me do it. "OK, Be." I agreed sarcastically.

I didn't tell her about my 2-hour phone call with Oli, or that I'd had an absolute meltdown in front of him, but I assured her that I wouldn't waste my time thinking about John. She was happy, but I could tell she was still confused as to how I wasn't crying or at least cursing at him. We chatted for about 20 minutes before I told her I had to go and once we were off the phone and I was sat there alone in the room, the reality of everything sunk in and I got pretty upset. The truth was that I missed my friends and I was sad that John was gone, I know it's crazy but it made me feel very alone. I didn't have someone to send random cute crap to anymore... someone who cared about me and what I was up to... though to be honest, John probably never did anyway. It wasn't that I had ever thought John was 'the one' or anything like that... it also had nothing to do with my situation; that maybe if I could move in with him that I could stay in London... it was the fact that he had betrayed me and kissed another girl when he had been saying all these things to me; talking about the future, telling me how much he missed me and calling me his girlfriend just 24 hours before this all happened. I felt like I was cursed.

My dating history was terrible. My first boyfriend; Steve, was a respected journalist and one of the first people I met when I first moved to New York at 18. He was 8 years older than me, and asked me to move in with him after 2 months of seeing each other. I was living in a crappy model-dorm apartment with Hannah and another girl; accommodation set up by the modelling agency, so I happily accepted his offer. The first few months were amazing, but It was 7 months in when I found out that he had been cheating on me and when I confronted him about it, he kicked me out onto the street. Fool me once. I moved into a new model-dorm with Behati and another girl and eventually, with Behati's help, I got myself back together. That's how we became such close friends.

Don't Let Me Drown (Oli Sykes Fan Fic) COMPLETETahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon