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We spent about two hours at Luiz's hotel; drinking and just generally hanging out before I really started getting ready. Oli took photos of me as I tried on outfits and had my hair and makeup done, and he chatted to Luiz a lot as well. They seemed to get along really well and that made me happy since Luiz was such a massive part of my life. I wasn't really afraid to show my affection towards Oli in front of Luiz either... he was one of the small handful of people who always had my best interests at heart and I could trust 100%.

Once we were ready to go, Luiz snapped a photo of Oli and I together and sent it through to both of us. It melted my heart just seeing how happy I knew we looked and we looked cute together if I do say so myself. After speaking with Luiz about the paparazzi situation, we decided that once we arrived at the venue, I'd get out of the car and keep the attention on me, then Luiz and Oli would sneak out while they were distracted. I was sure with the amount of A-list celebrities going that they weren't going to give a shit about us anyway, but I didn't want to potentially put Oli into a situation where he got stalked or harassed. He wasn't used to it and I knew he didn't like the limelight shining on him too brightly. Given that tonight's party was hosted by Rihanna, I knew the security and setup for getting people in and out would be pretty tight anyway, so we hatched our plan and once we were out of the firing line, I'd find them inside.

I dressed in a simple black Dolce & Gabbana dress and Oli wore his favourite beige hoodie under a denim jacket. Considering the nature of the event, it was totally appropriate to not be super dressed up. We headed off to the party and got inside without anyone taking much notice and we found our way to the balcony to a bunch of familiar faces sitting around a fire pit. I introduced Oli to a tonne of people I knew, though it was kind of awkward since I just had to say he was my friend for now. He was definitely more than that to me, but I didn't want to overstep. Pete Wentz was there with his wife and he recognised Oli immediately, so that was a great start to the night. They started chatting while I mingled with a few other people I needed to say hello to and we got comfortable in our surroundings.

The faces at this party were crazy; Kim and Kanye, Justin Timberlake, Drake, Pharrell Williams, Naomi Campbell, Selena Gomez and of course the host herself; Rihanna... it was absolutely packed with the most famous people I could think of. I wondered how Oli felt about it all, but I just had to hope he wasn't hating being there. I returned back to where I'd left him with Pete and Luiz and I was so happy to see a bunch of other people in their circle chatting away and sipping drinks, and more importantly, Oli looking happy and comfortable. I went and squeezed in beside Oli and put my hand on his knee. "You good?" I whispered so nobody would hear me.
"Yeah, I'm good." he replied with a smile.
"I just wanted to check, I know it's kind of crazy." I whispered again. I sat there chatting with everyone for an hour or so, downing a few drinks but not going crazy and stealing little cuddles with Oli when I thought nobody was looking. I took him to the bar a couple of times and introduced him to people I knew along the way, and I guess he looked a little out of his depth when we chatted to some of the super famous people in the room, but he held his own and everyone loved his accent. I mean, who wouldn't?! I ended up leaving him with the group outside again while I zipped around the room with Luiz for photos with people... it always happened at parties where he would make sure I was in photos with famous people – you know – for exposure. I hated the idea of having a conversation with someone purely for a photo op so I always tried to genuinely chat to people about non-work related things and just pretend the camera wasn't there. It usually made people open up to me and I guess, like me. Luiz said I was one of the most likeable people he'd ever worked with, but I always found that funny.

After a few conversations and purposely-posed photos with the A-listers, I headed back over to where Oli was still deep in conversation with Pete and other people who were, from what I could gather, talking about their bands and touring. I sat myself down, wrapped my arm around Oli's body and just started listening in. It was nice to hear him talking with everyone and not being shy around other famous people. I just sat there feeling proud of him since I knew he wasn't super into crazy social situations.

Despite how easy it would have been to stay chatting and drinking all night with everyone, part of me wanted to head home for alone time with Oli and since he had to leave the following morning, I knew tonight would be the last real chance. I leaned in and cozied up to him more than I had done all night and he immediately put his arm around me and rested his head on mine. "Shit, you two are a bit cute together." Pete said before holding up his phone to take a photo of us. I felt myself blush but I couldn't help but smile. I loved that we weren't hiding from anyone, even though I guess we weren't even officially together. I took a sip of my drink and Oli just looked at me. "We should go soon." I whispered. "I'm having a great time, but I want you all to myself for a bit before we have to go to sleep and then you have to go." I said softly. I guess in the moment, he forgot where we were because he leant in and kissed me gently. "Awwwhh!" Pete's wife sighed. "You guys are so cute." she added with a huge smile. I felt myself blush like crazy yet again. "I think we are going to get going soon." I said changing the subject. "Oli has to fly out in the morning and I have runway... plus I don't want to go straight to sleep!" I quipped. Pete almost spat his drink out as he and everyone else started laughing. I quickly realised how what I'd said had sounded. "Oh my god! I don't mean it like that. You guys are the worst!" I laughed; throwing the cherry garnish from my cocktail at Pete. Oli was also laughing, as well as blushing and Pete reached over and high-fived him. They were such boys! I did love seeing Oli having so much fun in that environment and getting on so well with my friends though. I finished my drink, asked Luiz for the car and headed for the bathroom before we left.

When I came back Oli was already standing up and saying goodbye to everyone and I watched as he gave Pete a 'bro-hug' thing. I said my goodbyes and then Oli took my hand and led me to the door where the attendant was waiting to escort us to the car. "I'll go first." Oli insisted to try and shield some of the camera flashes, even though I didn't care. I guess deep down I kind of wanted to hold his hand and let the world see; I wasn't scared for anyone to know I was 'with' him, but I could understand that he didn't want to end up with the paparazzi annoying him, so I was happy to do it his way. He went out first and jumped into the waiting car; sliding across the back seat with not too many people noticing. I then went out with a security guard straight after and slammed the door shut behind me. I felt the flashes of their cameras and I heard them calling my name... the paparazzi seemed particularly wild that night for some reason, but I couldn't care less, and they wouldn't have seem much anyway given the way they'd set up the exit route. Once we pulled away from the swarm of cameras, I slid over in the seat and cuddled up with Oli. "So, how did you like my crazy world?" I asked with a smile.
"Well the paparazzi are fucking nuts, but other than that, it was great." he replied with a huge smile before kissing me quickly. Nope, I wanted more than that. I pulled him back for a long, deep kiss... he was so sexy when he smiled.

We arrived back at my building and I playfully jumped on his back as the lift arrived to whisk us up to my apartment. He held onto my legs and I wrapped my arms around his neck as we travelled up to the seventh floor. I handed him the key to let us in once we reached my door and giggled playfully as he walked me the entire way through the apartment to the bedroom before letting me get down. We both laughed a little at the silly moment, but I thought it was incredibly cute. "Do you want anything to drink?" he asked me as I started taking my jewellery off in front of the dresser. "Just water, thanks." I replied. He disappeared to the kitchen and with my jewellery off, I unzipped my dress, kicked off my shoes and went to the bathroom to take my makeup off.

As I stood there at the bathroom counter in my underwear, Oli appeared behind me and I looked at him through the mirror; he looked so hot with his shirt off and tattoos on full display and I'm sure he knew it. "You're so sexy." he said as he placed a bottle of water on the counter beside me. "So are you." I replied as I smiled at his reflection. He stepped right up against me and wrapped his arms around me, but I was more intrigued by what I could feel... he was definitely in the mood. "Is that a banana in your pocket or are you happy to see me?" I asked cheekily, staring into his eyes through the mirror. He just stared back at me with a smirk. "I don't think you have any bananas in your apartment..." he whispered in a deep voice, trailing off and then moving his hands over my skin. I swear, he was so sexy when he initiated things and the way he was staring at me – literally fucking me with his eyes through the mirror - was crazy. I couldn't resist him at all, I was pathetic. I turned around and grabbed his waist, pulling him into a deep, passionate and desperate, lust-filled kiss. His fingers had already found my underwear and he was already pushing them down my thighs, and my fingers were already unbuttoning his pants. "Oli, I think we have a problem." I said with a tiny laugh, breaking the kiss to look at him. The way we couldn't keep our hands off each other was insane to me. I had never been like that with anyone! "What a great fucking problem to have." he said with a laugh.

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