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*Lily's p.o.v*
It was 7pm on a Thursday night and I was starting my first shift at the bar. I was really nervous.
I got there and I was introduced to a girl named Vanessa who I gathered ran the place or was at least in charge.

She was really nice and gave me a walk through of the place. From what I gathered, it was three floors. The top floor was a VIP area. The second was the main bar and the bottom was a basement.

I was given a uniform to change into. I was directed to the bathrooms to change.

So I walked down the hall and I saw a lot of doors and got very confused. I opened the door I thought was the bathroom and I stumbled into an office. Suddenly two men pointed guns at me and I froze.

There was a man sitting at the desk. He had his white button down top on that was tighter. His muscles were bulging. He looked really strong and his skin was covered in tattoos. He had dark hair and deep blue eyes.

"Down" he ordered in a very deep voice.

The two men lowered their guns and I looked around confused.

"Can I help you?" The man behind the desk asked

"I've come in here accidentally. I was looking for the bathroom. I forgot the directions that Vanessa said to me. I'm sorry I interrupted" I said

His eyes traced from my face down my body. I haven't had anyone do that to me and give me goosebumps all over.

"Are you the new waitress?" He asked


"What's your name?"

"Lily. What's your name?" I asked

"I think I'll call you Princess"

My heart raced. He gave me chills but not in a bad way. I could sense his danger. The smell of his cologne was strong but it smelt so good.

I blushed so hard.

"That's fine but you haven't told me your name" I said

"Did you just move here?" He asked raising his eyebrow.

"Technically yes. I grew up here but then I've lived in London for the last 5 years" I replied

"Hmm. I thought I could hear a bit of an accent"

"So do you like run this place? I'm imagining so since you have an office"

"Yes princess"

"Are you my boss then?"

"Yes but Vanessa takes care of the waitresses"

"Okay. You have a lot of tattoos"

The man winked at me and I blushed a bit harder, he was one beautiful person.

"Oh Lily. I was trying to find you" I heard

I turned around and Vanessa was in the doorway.

"I'm so sorry. I got lost and-"

"It's okay, you had to meet Travis eventually"

As we went to leave, I turned back to Travis.

"Hmm nice to meet you Travis" I said waving.

"I'll see you later princess"

I went to the bathroom and I got changed. It was these stockings, tight black shorts that were pretty short. They almost showed my ass. Oh well. I wasn't against wearing something a bit more scandalous.

The top was white. Had the logo Caine's on the front.

We could choose to wear heels or sneakers and I only had sneakers with me so that's what I wore.

Then I met the team at the bar. Vanessa did most of the drinks along with Hannah. Then we had Jess on the floor. I would be joining her.

I got a quick run down of a few important things. The bar was already quite full of people so I just started collecting drink orders and bringing them out to tables. It wasn't too hard, it was really busy though so mid way through the shift, I was really anxious and overwhelmed but I managed to take a few deep breaths and get back into it. Tipping was quite good as well.

A little bit later in the night, It had gotten quieter since it was only a Thursday. Travis had come out of his office and he was talking to Hannah who was going on about some change she wanted.

I was cleaning down some tables when I felt his presence behind me. I could smell his cologne first but he gave off this vicious, dark energy.

"Walk with me princess" he said

I dropped the cloth and I followed him as he walked up the steps to the VIP area.
We got up there and he went behind the small bar and poured what looked like whiskey into a small glass.

"We do background checks on anyone who works here. Is there anything I need to know?" Travis asked

His blue eyes looked at me over the edge of the glass as he sipped on it.

"No" I replied

"Good. If anyone touches you in here. Tell me"

"Does that happen a lot?" I asked

"No. The regulars know the drill. No hands on my girls, you do have outsiders who can get a little touchy. You're to tell me immediately, not when the night ends"

"Okay. If you're not here?" My heart was pumping, especially when he said 'my girls'

Travis took a card out of his jacket and slid it across the table.

"Text me. Call if it is an emergency. The girls will teach you"


"Do you have any questions?"

"Uh not right now"

Travis nodded

"You can go help the girls clean up"

I slid off the bar stool and went back down to the main floor. Everyone had cleared out. I collected some of the glasses and continued to wipe the tables down.

It was 1am before we were leaving. This was early but once again, only a Thursday.

"Travis and one of his men, Marcus, they walk us out to our cars after the shift is done" Hannah said

"That's nice" I replied

"It's a safety thing. Once, Jess was followed by a guy who was waiting for her to finish. She called Travis crying and well let's say, that guy never seen again" Hannah said

"What happened?"

"I don't know but with Travis, you'll always feel safe. He's a force not to be touched, he runs this city. Quite admirable"

"Seems like it"

Explains why he is so dangerous looking.

Hannah offered to give me a lift home since it was on her way and as explained, Travis and this other guy Marcus, walked out to make sure no one was in the car park as we drove away.

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