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*Lily's p.o.v*
Hudson was now a week old and I had pretty much been bed bound. I was under strict instruction by Travis not to be up and down all the time. I was feeling much better today. I was obviously still bleeding a lot and I was sore but it wasn't as bad as it was.

My boobs were very swollen and I needed to rather pump or feed Hudson. I slipped out of bed a lot easier than I had been able to. Thank god.

I walked out of the bedroom, I was just in some sweatpants and a tank top. I looked around the penthouse and I heard some noises from the kitchen. I walked into the doorway and saw Travis wearing the baby carrier, he was shirtless and Hudson was tucked up to his chest.

"Damn you look hot daddy" I said

Travis turned towards me.

"Calm down sweetheart you can't spread those pretty legs for me for at least another 5 weeks" he said

"Unfortunately" I sighed

I walked closer to him and I gently stroked Hudson's head.

"When was the last time he ate?" I asked

"About an hour ago"

"Okay. I'll pump at least one side and he can feed on the other when he wakes up" I replied

Travis turned off the stove.

I offered to take Hudson while Travis ate but he was so content in the carrier, we chose to keep him there. I sat on the couch and put the pump on. The machine was pumping my breasts. They were painful so instead of waiting for Hudson, I just pumped instead knowing I would breastfeed him through the night.

My head was resting back against the couch.

"Are you in pain beautiful?" Travis asked

"Yeah" I responded.

"I'm sorry baby"

"It's not your fault, I left the milk too long so it's just my boobs are very swollen"

I looked down and as the cup had filled, I stopped the pump and unscrewed the bottles, I sat it on the table and went to start again. Travis stood up.

"Do you want to put little man on there?" He asked

I loved it when Travis called him little man. It was so cute and funny.

"Is he awake?"

"Yeah, he's getting fussy"

Travis gently pulled him out from the carrier and he immediately started to cry.

"I know. Mummy loves daddy's chest too" I said sitting back and Hudson immediately attached to my nipple.

"Now I've got two people who are obsessed with being cuddled" Travis said

"Remember that time in that bar when your veins almost popped in your forehead from how stiff you were when I hugged you?" I asked

"Yes I remember baby. You changed alot for me"

"I love you so much"

Hudson popped off my nipple so I moved him to the other side. He started to feed a bit more. The pain of the swelling went down so I was much more relaxed.

Travis took the bottles of milk to put in the fridge. I started to burp Hudson. Just tapping his back lightly over my shoulder.

"Good boy" I said moving him done to lay on my lap. I gently stroked the top of his head and then he decided this was the perfect time to throw up all over my legs.

"Aww no okay, it's alright" I said lifting him.

I stood up from the couch and walked to the bedroom. I laid Hudson down on the change table and I quickly wiped my legs off with some baby wipes and then proceeded to clean off Hudson and change his outfit.

Then i began to swaddle him and place him in the bassinet.

Travis walked into the bedroom.

"Everything alright?" He asked

"He threw up all over me" I frowned

"Maybe he ate too much"

I shrugged

"Are you okay to watch him while I go take a shower?" I asked walking to Travis and he gave me a kiss

"Of course babe"

I quickly grabbed some shorts and one of Travis's shirts I had been living in.

Then I went to the bathroom and turned the shower on. I stripped out of my clothes and I took a moment, looking at my body in the mirror. My tummy had started to go down but you could see the extra fat around my waist from pregnancy, I felt very insecure about it. I know I shouldn't be. I literally just had a baby. I sighed.

I stepped under the water and gave myself a good wash down. I was still bleeding quite a bit so I felt gross 90% of the time. It was like a really heavy period.

When I got out, I immediately slipped on some granny panties and a thick pad. I got my nursing bra on and then my shorts and Travis's shirt.

I came out of the bathroom and Travis was asleep on the bed. Hudson was still sleeping. I climbed onto the bed and cuddled up to his chest. I pulled the blankets over us and Travis's arm came around me instinctively.

My eyes closed and I started to fall asleep on his chest. I was so comfortable.

Of course as i had fallen asleep, Hudson woke up crying. I stood up, Travis woke up too.

"Come here baby, it's okay" I said unwrapping his swaddle and I brought him to the change table, I began to give him a nappy change.

"As if mummy didn't have the hardest time giving birth to you, I also get all the blow outs" I said

Travis chuckled

"You're so lucky, you're the cutest baby on earth" I said

I put his yet another dirty onesie in the laundry pile and grabbed a clean one out.

I changed him over and then picked him up, placing a kiss on his little cheek. I laid him back in the bassinet.

"It's your birthday soon" I said to Travis as I climbed back on the bed. I perched myself up on my elbow and looked at him

"I know. I'm going to be 30"

"I know you don't like to celebrate but do you want to do anything?"

"Not really. Just be here with you two. Usually I would say a whole heap of sex but you won't be cleared and Little man is too little to go out, he doesn't have his shots yet"

"I know. I still want to do something special for you though"

"We can go out for a belated family dinner when Huddy has had his shots. How does that sound?"

"Yeah that's good. Well why don't you go out on your birthday? Go out with the guys like you did last year?"

"Maybe. Doesn't feel right leaving you alone though"

"Hudson will be just over 3 weeks old. We'll be absolutely fine, I can handle it"

"Alright. I'll see who will be around"

"Good. You deserve to enjoy your birthday"

I laid down and cuddled into his chest. Travis grabbed his phone and started texting. I was hoping he was messaging some of his friends from just out of the city. They surprised him last year, he's done so much for me and Hudson in this week and through the whole birth.

I wanted him to go enjoy himself, have a good night. That was the plan that I would be pushing for him to do.

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