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*Lily's p.o.v*
It had been a little over a week and I finally stopped bleeding. I had gone to the doctor after a few days after the pain and bleeding wasn't going away. It turned out that I had tearing on the inside of my vagina causing it. I had to get a couple of stitches and then I was good to go home.

Home. I didn't know what that was.

The works at my dorm continued to be delayed and I was still staying with Jess which was going well and even though she didn't know what had happened, she was great at comfort. Giving me a distraction from all the pain I was experiencing.

But this night was particularly hard. I hadn't been able to sleep well at all and I was having nightmares.
It was even worse tonight, I think the lack of sleep, all the crying and anxiety had built up to the point I had broken.

I woke up from my 20 minute nap screaming seeing that clown mask in my nightmares.
Jess came into the room and she tried to hug me but I was a wreck, I was sobbing so hard and I couldn't think properly.

I was wandering around, my anxiety had gotten so awful that I had a panic attack, I was shaking on the floor and sobbing so hard I felt like I was going to have a heart attack.

And at that point, Jess had called an ambulance. A whole team came and I wanted to fight them off of me. I was so terrified of being touched by a man and now a whole team was grabbing at me which made me scream.

I ended up being sedated and taken to the hospital.

That night I was put on a mental health hold. Pending evaluation.
I was put in one of the paper gowns that were thin, cold and placed in a room where you couldn't commit suicide even if you tried.

I was so medicated that I was finally able to sleep and it was so relieving for me. I needed this. I would stay medicated forever if it was like this.

And I didn't know how to fully describe it but it felt like I was floating on a cloud, a cloud of happiness and no pain.

Just how I wanted to be.

*Travis's p.o.v*
I was in my office at the bar with Jackson when my door slammed open and Jess came in sobbing.

One thing I learnt about these girls is that they were pretty damn strong and self sufficient. They handled rowdy-touchy men really well and rarely cried over things and if they came to me crying, it was because of something really bad.

"What's wrong?" I asked

Jess sat down in the chair beside Jackson and I dragged my chair over to her

"Last night, Lily had this nightmare and she was screaming so much and she had a panic attack and she was crying so painfully and I couldn't get her to stop. I had to call an ambulance and she wouldn't let them touch her and she was screaming and trying to fight them. I was so scared and they had to put a needle in her to make her sleep and take her away" Jess cried

"She's in the hospital?" I asked rubbing her back

"Yeah. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't stop her from screaming"

"It's okay. You didn't do anything wrong"

"I wanted to call you because I didn't want them to take her away but it was really bad last night. The other nightmares haven't been too bad, like she's not screamed so much, just cried and I could handle that but every time I asked if I should call you, Lily would cry harder and say you don't give a fuck about her"

"I do care about her a lot. There's just a rough patch right now. She's safe at the hospital so everything is okay. You didn't do anything wrong and it was the best decision"

"I thought so but I was scared for her and it was just really scary seeing her like that. I could handle the other nightmares but last night was really bad"

"She's in the best place okay? You did good and you've been great for her"

"You think so?"

"I know so. You okay?"

"Yeah" Jess nodded and I gave her a couple of tissues.

"Good. You can come talk to me whenever"

"Thank you"

Jess left my office and I knew what I had to do. I knew that Lily hated me. She absolutely despised me but I wanted to go see her.

The next day, around lunch time, I drove to the hospital and I was given a visitors badge.
A nurse took me to Lily's room and she was laying on the bed facing the window.

I walked over and Lily's eyes were only half open. She was so heavily medicated it was scary. She looked almost completely unconscious.
And almost drooling.

What the fuck did they give her?

I sat in the chair beside her bed.

"Lily" I said

Her eyes opened and she looked at me but nothing was registering.

"Can you tell me who hurt you?" I asked

Lily put her hand out. I took hold of it.

"Baby I need you to tell me anything you know about who raped you" I said

"Clown" she mumbled

"What?" I asked

"Scary clown"

"I don't know what you mean baby"

"Diamond. Good good girl"

She wasn't making any sense. I just squeezed her hand.
The nurses came to check on her and gave her some more fluids.

As she started to wake up a little more, I left. I knew with the amount of meds she was on that she wouldn't remember me coming but I needed that opportunity to ask her questions. She was the only one who could tell me what happened that night.

Now I needed to put the pieces together.

I went home and Marcus was already there. We currently trying to find video footage of the elevators at the hotel to try and source who went to Lily's floor that night.

"How did you go?" He asked

"She's completely in la la land"

"Did she say anything?"

"I asked her who hurt her and she just said clown and scary clown. Diamond. That was it"

Marcus nodded

I poured a whiskey and sat down on the couch.

"What if he was wearing a mask? It makes sense. She wouldn't know who it was, couldn't describe him. He said it was you that set it up, she wouldn't know it was me, Jackson or Derek because the face was covered"

"A scary clown mask" i muttered

"Diamond could mean a piercing, maybe a ring"

"Mm. Check the footage for any man with some sort of bag. He needed to bring that mask in. Look closely for piercings"

I finished my whiskey. I sat there and I waited for anything Marcus might find.
I was hoping there was something. I needed answers. Revenge was on the tip of my fingers.

"Boss" Marcus said

My head snapped up

"What?" I asked

He turned the laptop around and it showed elevator footage. There was a man standing there and he had a duffel bag off his shoulder. As he got into the lift, he pushed up the sleeves of his top.

And revealed a diamond tattoo on his forearm.

"Send a picture to Jackson and Derek. Find him"

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