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*Lily's p.o.v*
Every time I thought about Travis, my body felt like it erupted in hives. I loved the feeling he gave me but I also knew how difficult my situation was, being a virgin I couldn't just let go and have him do me, I wanted him to so badly. I've never felt like this before but I also wanted my first time to be gentle and in a bed, somewhere I was safe and cared for.

I didn't really know if Travis would be into that though, being my first.

I loved this feeling I had for him. The goosebumps, the butterflies. I didn't want to lose that.

My entire day was filled with classes. I got up at 10am and I went to my first lecture which was 3 hours long and then I had an afternoon one.

That was only just over an hour so it wasn't too bad and I had enough time to get a bit of study done in the library and then headed back to my dorm.

I squeezed in a 30 minute nap and then got up, showered and got dressed for work.

I did the long sleeve top today since it was a bit cold and then the black skirt. It went to my upper thighs and then I had the stockings and black boots.

I did the drive to the bar and I was a bit early but it was fine because that meant I got my pre-shift kisses.

When I got in, I put my stuff away and then wandered to Travis's office.

He was sitting behind his desk.

"Hey handsome" I said

Travis lifted his head and his eyes grazed over me like usual.

"Hey princess"

I walked over and he pulled me so smoothly into his lap. I leaned in and kissed him gently. I had been so addicted for days with his lips. He was being so patient with me. I knew what he wanted.

"Have you had a good day?" I asked

"It's been alright, what about you?"

"Yeah fine. Just had classes"


"Have you got a poker game tonight?"

"No baby. I've got some work to do"


I rested my head back against his collarbone and closed my eyes. I fit so perfectly against his body.
Plus his cologne smelt so nice.

"Tired?" Travis asked

"Wake me up when I need to work" I said

"Alright baby"

I was in complete bliss. I was so comfortable and just relaxed. I don't know how long passed but I must of fallen asleep briefly. I woke up with Travis giving me a kiss and he rubbed my back.

I went out to the main floor and helped the girls get everything sorted before the doors opened and it got pretty busy at first. We split off the tables like usual and I went about getting drink orders and delivering drinks.

It wasn't until just after midnight and I had a few tables, not much was happening but I didn't feel that good. I was hoping I wasn't getting sick but I was just prone to nausea, fainting and migraines. My body didn't love me at the best of times so when I didn't feel great, it was one of those things.

But since I didn't sleep that much, it probably triggered all these problems. I grabbed a cold glass of water and sat down for a moment.

Jess ended up joining me. We had gotten the closest out of everyone, i think we just had so much in common, I didn't complain, I needed a friend.

"What's going on with you and Travis?" She asked leaning her head on the palm of her hand.

"Nothing" I said

"Nothing? You guys are just hooking up?"

"No. He's just been nice and we've kissed a few times, that's all"

"You're blushing"

"I don't know" I shrugged

"You have feelings for him"

"I don't know"

"He looks at you a lot. Like when he comes out to check on everyone, he always scans for you first"

"Maybe we have something. I don't know really"

"He hooked up with Hannah when she had started but he didn't act like this with her"

"He did?" I asked

Suddenly I had this overwhelming feeling of jealousy.
I was second guessing my thoughts.

Maybe he didn't really like me and it was just his way of wanting sex.

I sat for a little while longer and then i needed some answers. I was so fed up of my mixed feelings.

I walked down the hall to Travis's office and opened the door.
He looked up from his laptop.

"You good?" He asked sipping on his whiskey.

I shut the door

"You hooked up with Hannah?" I asked

Travis's eyes scanned me like he always did

"Over a year ago" he replied

"Have you hooked up with everyone?"

"Are you trying to fight with me princess?" He asked

"Fuck you"

I went to leave but just a quickly, Travis grabbed me and pinned me against the wall with his hand on my throat. He never put pressure so I could breathe.

"What did you just say to me?" He asked glaring down at me

"Move your hand or I'll throw up on you"

He raised his eyebrow

"Are you sick?"

"I'm not feeling great"

"Yeah I can tell, you're showing me a lot of fucking attitude"

Some tears drifted down my cheeks.

"What's going on?" Travis asked swiping my tears away

"I don't know" I whispered

"Well work it out because I'm too fucking busy for this shit"

Travis walked away and I started to cry because I was so overwhelmed with different emotions.

He sat at this desk, such little regard for me.

"You know a hug would be nice" I sobbed

"I don't hug Lily. You know that" he mumbled

"You're such a dick"

"I don't have time for your emotions Lily"

"I can't believe I tried something with you. I was going to talk to you, I wanted you to be my first. I thought you actually cared about me" I cried

Travis's head snapped up to me

"What do you mean your first?" He asked

"Leave me alone"

I walked out of there and I fixed my makeup.

That night when we usually waited for Travis to take us out to the car, I just left with little regard for what he wanted. I didn't care. I was feeling hurt and confused.

After I had my shower, I collapsed into my bed and I sobbed so hard until my head hurt so much I passed out.

I didn't make it to my classes the next day.

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