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*Lily's p.o.v*
All week I had been down with what seemed to be the stomach flu. I was vomiting a lot and I had been attached to the bed, not being able to move.

It was now the new year. Jess had thrown a big party for New Year's Eve but I couldn't make it since I was on the bathroom floor throwing up.

Travis stayed by my side and my head was in his lap, he would stroke my hair and keep me company.
I thought I had some kind of food poisoning but I ate what everyone else had eaten but no one else was sick.

So after a week of being unwell, I booked in an appointment with my doctor and we were currently heading there.

I was just wearing some cotton shorts and one of Travis's tops. I needed things loose fitting. It was the only things not putting pressure on my tummy or making me heat up.

We were only in the waiting room for a few moments before I got some blood taken and they did a urine sample.

Then I was back in the waiting room, Travis was holding my hand while I rested on his arm. I was dozing off to sleep as I have been all week at random times when my name was called about 20 minutes later.

We got up and went to the doctors room. I sat up on the bed and I sipped on a cup of water.

The doctor sat down behind her desk and looked at the piece of paper in front of her.

"Okay well congratulations, you're pregnant" she said

My heart stopped. I felt the thumping in my ears. Travis's body was stiff.

"I know this can come at quite a shock. We can say that this is the reason why you've had so many symptoms. The blood work will be back in a couple of days to confirm and we would like to get an ultrasound done to make sure everything is looking okay" The doctor said.

I looked at Travis and he was like stone cold. His body was rigid and his eyes were dark.

"You can call to arrange a time for the ultrasound or book online. For the meantime, I can give you some tablets to help with the nausea"

She gave me script

"Thank you" I responded softly

I got off the table and I had to pay for the appointment. Travis didn't stick around though, he walked straight out of the medical clinic and left me alone.

My heart was racing, my body was shaking and now I felt very abandoned. I didn't understand if he was angry at me or upset.

I finally got to the front of the line and I paid my appointment and booked in an ultrasound for next week.

Then I went to the carpark and I got into Travis's car. He started it up and I put the seatbelt on.

The silence was deafening. It made my eyes water.

"Can we talk?" I asked rubbing my knees

Travis's hands tightened on the steering wheel. His knuckles turned white.

But he didn't speak.

I nodded to myself and leaned my head against the window.

We got to the penthouse and I immediately went to the bathroom and threw up. I was sick and I had nerves which wasn't helping.

I was pregnant. There was a baby growing inside of me.

I continued to sit on the bathroom floor as the nausea was starting to hit again. I wiped my tears away.

My feelings were all over the place. I didn't know if I was happy or I was sad. I felt isolated.

I cried for a little while on the bathroom door. I threw up a few more times and then took a cold shower and went to climb into bed but I wanted Travis, I needed him.

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