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*Lily's p.o.v*
For the next few nights, I called in sick. I really was sick, my nausea and migraines had been really bad since the interaction with Travis in his office.
The migraine had been awful mainly because I had been crying so much. I didn't make it to classes, I didn't want to go anywhere.

Three nights i called in sick until I couldn't take any more time off or I would be broke so I had no choice but to pull myself out of bed and I took a shower before I got changed into one of the long-sleeved tops since it was cold and a black skirt.

I put my sneakers on and tied my hair back. I had to put some concealer on because of the dark circles and the tear stains that have been so prominent.

But when I got sad like this, I tend to shut down.

I did the same thing when Sarah died, I cried so much that I shut down emotionally. That depression had hit so hard and I was scared to be back in that position and need to go away again to get help to get out of that headspace.

I drove into work and parked the car, I still had five minutes before I needed to start work so I sat there and counted down the moments until I dragged myself in.

The second I opened the door, I heard his voice and my heart began to race and that feeling behind my eyes came back. The feeling of wanting to cry.

"Oh Lily you're back, are you feeling okay?" Jess asked hugging me and that nearly set me off.

"I'm alright" i replied.

I looked up and saw Travis's eyes on me, I immediately looked away. I was already on the verge of tears. Looking at him would make it worse.

When Jess pulled away, I went up the back of the bar and unstacked the chairs. I was trying to not focus on Travis's voice.
It was making me shaky.

"Lily" I heard

I turned around and Vanessa came up to me.

"Yeah?" I asked

"Are you able to cover me for the poker game? I've got to leave early" she said

"Is Jess able to do it?" I asked

"I trained you, she hasn't been trained"

"Oh, that's fine then"

"Thank you. You're a lifesaver"

My nerves kicked up a notch. I didn't want to be stuck in that space with Travis because I knew it would make me feel unstable.

But I didn't have a choice, this was my job.

I went up to her VIP area and I grabbed the ice buckets to fill them up and made sure I had all the alcohol I needed.

I wiped down the bench and made sure the poker table was set up, the cigars were out.

"Thank you for taking over for Ness" I heard that deep voice that was so smooth and gave me heart palpitations.

I looked up and Travis rolled up the sleeves of his shirt and sat down.

"Would you like a drink?" I asked

"I'll wait until the others get here"

I nodded and went behind the bar. I started to cut up some lemon and some lime for the bar downstairs. My migraine was killing me.

The others started to show up and so I began to make the drinks. I knew the orders already so I started making them and bringing them out to the poker table.

I couldn't help but as the game started to look at Travis a few times. His demeanour, the way he was so comfortable sitting there, that laugh he had every so often.

He caught me looking at one stage, when he looked at me, my heart would beat uncontrollably.
It made me feel nauseous and I felt so sad. So unbelievably sad. I felt like I was grieving something I wished I had.

I got waved down by one of the men so I got him a new drink and walked it over. I sat it on the bench on a napkin and went to go back to the bar and cleaned up the few glasses I had.

The night felt like it went on forever.

And I was so fucking exhausted.

My migraine was getting worse.

When the poker game finished, everyone left and the bar was closing. I started to clean up but my head was throbbing so badly.

I managed to get most of it done but then I had to lay down so I dashed to the break room and turned the lights off so it was dark, I grabbed the ice pack from the freezer and I curled up on the couch, cradling my head with the ice pack.

It helped my head not feel awful but I fell asleep in the process.

My eyes drifted open. The ice pack was no longer cold and i saw the time on the wall saying 3:30am. I had been asleep for two hours and I was still in the break room.

I started to get anxiety that I was all alone, no one knew i was here and locked in. I got up slowly and opened the door and that's when I saw light from Travis's office next door.

I walked over and he was typing on his laptop.

"I'm so sorry" I said

He lifted his head

"It's fine. Are you okay?"

"I just had a really bad migraine. I didn't mean to fall asleep"

"It's all good"

"You could of woken me"

"I had work to do so you weren't inconveniencing me by being asleep"

"Are you always here this late?" I asked

"Pretty much"

"Why don't you go home?"

"I don't have anything or anyone to go home to. I would be going to bed and I'm not very tired most nights"

My heart hurt a little more. I hated knowing he felt like that.

"Same" I replied

Travis stood up.

"I'll walk you out"

I grabbed my bag and followed him to the door.

"Goodnight Travis" I said

"Goodnight Lily"

I got into my car and I drove back to the dorms where I proceeded to shower and cry myself to sleep.

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