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*Lily's p.o.v*
I always grew up quite sheltered. I lived in Boston with my parents, that was until I was 16. I was with my best friend at the time, Sarah. She was my whole world. We got into a car accident. We had gone out for a Friday night movie and a drunk driver hit us. The car rolled, my best friend died and I came out of it with some scars on my back and my upper thigh from where some glass stabbed me. My back had never been the same.

After Sarah died, I fell into a depression. A depression I couldn't shake. I was too scared to get into a car. That was when my parents shipped me off to a boarding school. They couldn't deal with me apparently.

That boarding school in London was my home for three years. It was a hard time for me, I was all alone. I struggled to make friends, I was nice to everyone though.

Mid way through that time, my parents got a divorce. My mum suddenly cut off contact with me. I never understood why. She ended up re-married and I just brushed that off. My dad still spoke to me, we tried to talk once a week.

When I graduated high school, no one was there to see me walk. It broke my already hurting heart and I felt so incredibly lost in my life that I ended up having a breakdown.
Everything had built up. All the pain of losing Sarah, all the pain of the things i endured at bordering school.

I was admitted into a psych facility at the hands of my father. I didn't blame him, I was a wreak. I was kept in that facility for 6 months. Finally I was seeing a side of myself I haven't seen in a very long time, the preppy, happy and loving side.

I moved back to Boston. I got a place at the Harvard campus to study psychology. I got a dorm room since I didn't have anywhere else to go.

So at 21, I was living on the campus. Luckily there was a lot of people like me. I was back in Boston.

I applied for some jobs the day I got there. I needed to work to survive. I was use to waitressing so I applied for those jobs.

Not even two days later, I got a call. An offer to start working as a waitress in a bar downtown. I of course accepted. I haven't done bar work before, it would be fine though.


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