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*Lily's p.o.v*
Two weeks had passed since the time I was in the bar late at night with an awful migraine and I haven't seen much of Travis. I was working but he wasn't really around and when he did come in, he didn't stop to talk to anyone. He just went to his office and left again.

I really did wonder if he was okay, if something was wrong but I think the both of us was struggling with our demons.

Just when I saw him, he looked so angry and frustrated.

But I didn't bother asking if he was okay because we agreed not to talk about personal stuff so we simply didn't talk.

Except now I was in a predicament. There was an issue with flooding in the dorm building and it had caused a complete electricity shortage. Because of that, we all had to leave and well I didn't have anywhere to go.

I didn't have any friends, no family.

Nor did I have the money to stay at a hotel.

It was a feeling that filled my eyes with tears. Gave me such bad anxiety.

And it was one of those days where the bar was closed. I had a packed suitcase and I was currently sitting outside on the grass and I called Jess.

"Hey babe" she said into the phone


"What's going on?"

"Can I ask a huge favour?"

"Of course"

"I need a place to stay for about a week. There was flooding at the dorms and I can't stay here" I said

"Oh babe I'm sorry. Of course I would say yes but I only have a small apartment and my boyfriend and mum is currently staying here, I just don't have room"

"No no please don't say sorry. I will work something out"

But I didn't have any other options.

I was feeling scared because it was almost 7pm. It was getting dark and I didn't know what to do. My heart was racing, I felt really sick.

I grabbed my suitcase and got into my car and realised I might be sleeping in here tonight. At least it was comfortable and I could keep warm.

*Travis's p.o.v*
I brought a penthouse suite last year. It was two bedrooms, had a balcony with an incredible view. There was a large kitchen which didn't get used apart from coffee in the morning because I didn't know how to cook.

It was advertised as being a place for a young family. Whatever. Fuck that. I crawled in here at 4am every morning and passed out alone. I was always taught as a kid that independence was the key to success. Everyone was out to get you and take what you have.

It made me angry at the world, I grew up with violence as my father had the position I was in now. It made me feel fine with the idea of being alone but it didn't hurt having a feeling of wanting to go to bed with someone.

The bar was closed tonight and I was having a meeting in my living room. Marcus and Jackson were sitting opposite me. There was a lot of evil people in this world and I had to deal with it.

Jess started to call me and that was odd. The girls never called me unless it was important.

"Yes?" I asked into the phone

"Well Hello to you too"

"Hello" I responded


My Girl; A dark romance Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora