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*Lily's p.o.v* *TW. Assault. Rape*
It had been two days in the hotel and my communication with Travis hadn't been the best. I called off of work yesterday because I had assignments due for school that I needed to work on.

Travis had texted me asking where I was and I told him I was busy with school but he didn't respond after that. I told him I was fine and just in the hotel.

But I didn't hear back. It was fine, I knew he wasn't a huge talker.

I was doing work for quite awhile. I had watched some lectures and then I was just working on one of my lab reports until about 7pm. After that I was so so hungry.

So I left the hotel and went to a pizza place I had seen and ordered a veggie pizza and a coke. It was my favourite combination.

And I took it back to the hotel room and decided to sit on the balcony and eat since it was a nice night.

I had only just started to eat when I got a knock on the door. I got back up and walked over to it. I looked in the peep hole and didn't see anyone. So I went to go back outside thinking maybe someone had knocked accidentally but there was another knock.

I sighed and walked over opening the door. Suddenly my throat was grabbed and I was pushed back into the room by a man who had a clown mask on. It was absolutely terrifying.

I couldn't speak from the pressure on my throat.

At the centre of the room. My ankles were swiped under me and I came crashing to the floor.

"What do you want?" I asked trying to pull myself away but my ankles were grabbed and I was pulled back to the masked man.

It was the worse day to wear a dress because he got to my body easier. I didn't have a lot of strength in general, let alone to fight a man.

I didn't know what was happening or what I did to deserve this.

And then he climbed on top of me and in cut through my dress, it revealed my breasts which I tried to hide but there was no point because very quickly, the zip ties went around my wrists and I had my panties shoved in my mouth to muffle my screams.

And a picture was taken of me. In my most vulnerable state. Absolutely terrified out of my mind.

"Smile for your boyfriend. This is for him" the masked man said

It was a matter of minutes but he undid his belt and I was viciously shaking my head. Trying to get him to not do what he was going to do.

But it happened so quickly. My body went into shock. The pain coursed through my entire body. I was shaking from the amount of pressure and even though I couldn't see it, I could smell the blood.

"Good good girl" the man said

Everything from my waist down went numb and I laid there taking the abuse to my body.

When he was finished. I felt something hot on my stomach but as this stage I was so empty from the tears, the pain. I couldn't even breathe.

The man cut off the zip ties and took my panties out of my mouth.

"It was boss's orders" he said

The man left my room and I couldn't move so I laid there and I had a slight view of outside and I watched it get darker, the traffic is what I listened to.

It was 2am before I was able to move.

I sat up and there was blood all over my stomach and thighs. I pulled myself up so slowly and began to walk to the bathroom.

It was more like hobbling though.

The water was turned on in the shower and I got under, I had to scrub myself pretty good but no matter what, the feeling of having someone violate you in such a way would never go away.

I sat in the bottom of the shower and I let myself cry. The emotions had hit that I had been hurt and my virginity was gone to someone that it was never suppose to.

After a few hours, I got out and I slipped some sweat pants on and a jumper. I walked out to the balcony and I ate my freezing cold pizza and stared off into the distance.

I didn't sleep that night. I was so terrified and hurt.

The next day, I stayed in bed all day, my body too sore to move in any way. But along with my sadness I started to get really angry. I had been hurt in one of the worse ways and that man told me it was for Travis, he was the only one that knew where I was. He was the one who booked this room. I hate him. He did this to me. How else would I of been hurt? They took a picture of me for him, to prove I had been hurt.

That man talked about money. The boss's orders. I had heard his men call him boss.

It was just after 9pm. I pulled my sore body out of bed and decided to comfort the man that made me love him, I fell for the man that made me hurt.

I was sobbing in my car on the drive there. I was only in socks, my sweatpants and a jumper. I had bruises on my neck and my body, I was still bleeding.

When I pulled up to his penthouse, I knew he would be there. It was a bar closed night and I got to the lift. The security guy let me up since I had been here before.

I was ready to take out all my emotions, my anger on him.

I was so upset, so angry, so hurt. I don't think anyone would understand what it was like to go through this.
To hold on to something so precious and have it taken like it was nothing.

As I stood in the lift, my reflection came back to me and I saw the dark circles under my eyes, my lack of makeup. I looked like a wreck with my messy hair. Yet I didn't care.

The doors opened and I walked out into Travis's main living space and he was standing by his bar cart, the couch was filled with two of his men and I wondered if one of them were the culprit.

Travis turned around to the sound of the elevator door.

"Hey baby" he said sipping on his whiskey. Hey baby like nothing happened.


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