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*Travis's p.o.v*
I didn't make it to the bar before opening, I was busy having a few meetings or something like that. More like I was questioning someone for information and it got a bit messy so I needed to pit stop back at the penthouse to get showered.

The second I walked in, I could smell lavender and the whole place was so clean. I walked through to the bedroom, the bed was made.

Someone was clearly bored.

I went and showered.

When I got out. I got dressed and went to make a quick coffee to keep me going. I opened the fridge and it had oat milk and heaps of fruit in it. There was a bowl in there with a note telling me to eat. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the bowl. It was filled with pasta.

I heated it up and damn my girl knew how to cook.

And it reminded me of how much I really wanted someone to be here with me. I'm a short two days, Lily made this place feel a little less cold. A little less lonely

But I absolutely hated the feelings I was getting. I was always taught to be cruel, cautious. Love didn't exist to me and I wasn't capable of love. It was all a load of bullshit.

And that's when I booked a hotel room for Lily to stay in and picked up the keys to the room.

And then I went to the bar and it wasn't insanely busy.

So I grabbed Lily's hand and I took her to my office.

"I thought you would be here earlier so I came in but you weren't" Lily said

"Yeah. I was busy"

I shut the door and turned to Lily. She had the sweetest smile and that pink bow in her hair would give me a nightmares for sure.

Lily leaned up and kissed me. Always having to be on her tippy toes to get to my mouth.

"I don't want you to take this in the wrong way" I said

"What?" Lily asked touching my chest

"I booked you a hotel room to stay in"

"Oh. Did I do something wrong?"

"No. I just need my space back"

"Okay. I didn't realise I was being annoying"

"You're not baby. I just-"

"You're not good at talking about your feelings" Lily said


"So I'm assuming that us being a thing and me being in your space is a little too much for you to handle in one go because of your issues with affection"

I nodded


She put her head down

"Have I upset you?" I asked

"Just a little hurt" she sniffled

"I'm sorry, I'm trying"

"It's not your fault"

"Kind of is"

"I guess you're going to teach me to feel good. I will teach you how to allow yourself to be loved"


She lifted her head and I saw the tears. I hated how much I hurt her.

"No hard feelings. I'll get my stuff out tonight"

I leaned down and kissed her

"Don't cry over me. I'm not worth your tears"

"You're worth a lot to me, you just don't know how much so I'll do anything you ask to keep you"

I kissed her again and she hugged me. My body tensed but I let her do what she needed and then she pulled away.

I went to my desk to do some paperwork and it wasn't until a few hours later, I came out to get a drink and I couldn't put my eyes on Lily.

"Where's Lily?" I asked Vanessa

"She left. She wasn't feeling good"

"Oh" I nodded

I wondered if it was because of me.

When I got home around 3am, I grabbed some water. I opened the fridge and it was empty of her milk and fruit. I went to the bedroom and her suitcase was gone. The body wash from the shower was gone so I took a moment where I cursed myself for making her leave.

*Lily's p.o.v*
It was a nice hotel but I didn't think I would be here all alone. I left work early so I could get all my things from Travis's penthouse and leave.

I was really hurt so I was upset. I generally thought he wanted me there but I also knew he had so many issues with allowing someone to fall for him, allowing himself to fall for someone.

I was accepting of that. At least he hasn't pushed me away completely so I could work with that.

There was a really nice bath so I filled it up with hot water and bubbles and i soaked in it.

My phone buzzed on the bench. I dried my hands and reached over grabbing it. It was a text from Travis.

Travis: are you feeling okay?

Vanessa probably told him I went home sick. I could of told him myself but I just didn't feel like it. I didn't want to go back into his office because it made me feel sad.

I texted him a picture of me in the bath. It wasn't sexual at all because I was covered in bubbles.

Me: I'm okay.

Travis: Good

I was hoping for something else. Anything.

I put down my phone and sighed.

The tears pricked and I let them fall.

I was so upset and confused

So I let myself cry because I wasn't afraid of showing my emotions. I was a sensitive person.

But I just wanted a hug so badly. I wanted to be loved so badly.

And I wanted Travis to be that person for me. I knew I had to be patient. It was so hard when you're so lonely and crave something you can't have fully.

Eventually I got out of the bath once the water had gone cold and I slipped on some pyjamas and climbed into the bed where I continued to cry.

It was moments like this that I wished I had a friend or really anyone to talk to.

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