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*Lily's p.o.v*
Today we were travelling to Vermont for a week away for Christmas. I was so excited and overwhelmed at the same time. It was currently 8am and we woke up a bit early to have sex. My period ended yesterday thank goodness for that. I didn't want to go on this trip bleeding and not enjoy it because i would be sick. It just meant we were both horny and needed to get it out of our systems before the 4 hour drive.

I met the majority of Travis's extended family at his dad's funeral but his mum books out an entire ski lodge for the week and there was going to be a lot of people there and I think that's what was causing me to feel a bit anxious.

It was going to be a good environment though which was exciting. I loved the snow even though it was cold, I had a handsome man I could steal warmth from.

However over the last week I had been trying to find the perfect gift for his mum and Travis informed me that his family didn't do gifts and not to worry about it, their Christmas didn't involve gifts it was all about making memories which was sweet.
But I still brought a nice bottle of wine that we could share together so I could get to know her better. It was a nice gesture.

After taking a shower and getting dressed, we left the penthouse and headed to Travis's car. Even though it was 4 hours, he refused to let me drive. I was a passenger princess at heart anyway.

We stopped to get some coffee for the trip and then we had the radio on low as the drive started.

We stopped at the 2 hour point to stretch and I was pretty exhausted. I stayed up late doing last minute packing so I didn't sleep very long.

The coffee kicked in enough that I was able to stay awake for the majority of the trip but as soon as Travis started to massage my thigh, I passed out.

I was so damn tired.

"Baby" I heard and my arm was shaken.

I sat up and looked around, I saw a whole heap of snow and it was colder.

"Are we here?" I asked

"Almost. 10 minutes"

I shoved my blanket into the back seat and my nervous butterflies kicked off. It was just after 1 when we pulled up the pathway to this massive lodge, it was beautiful and made my jaw drop.

"Whoa" I said

"Yeah it's pretty nice"

"When was the last time you came?"

"This morning" he smirked

"Don't be dirty" I said

"A few years ago"

"Whoa. How have you not come sooner? It's so beautiful"

Travis shrugged.

He parked in one of the parking spots and he grabbed the suitcases out. I dragged mine towards the main entrance and Katherine ran out in her heels. Not ideal for the snow.

She gave me a big hug which of course I gave back.

"I'm so happy you both are here. It's going to be wonderful" Katherine said hugging Travis.

We headed inside and the foyer was stunning, there was four living spaces, a massive kitchen run by chefs and a huge dining room.

There were 16 bedrooms with all built in bathrooms in this main lodge and then another in the back with a further 10 bedrooms.

Katherine gave us a key to our room and we headed up to check it out. It was on the end and there was a beautiful balcony that over looked the snowy hills and it filled my heart with so much joy.

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