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*Travis's p.o.v*
The bar was opening up tonight. It was the grand re-opening and things were all good to go. The last couple of days had been insanely stressful to make sure it was all done.

I was currently laying in bed and Lily was out in the living room on my phone, FaceTiming with my mum.
They had been getting really close which was nice. I liked that my family liked her and I knew that Lily often craved having a mother figure in her life.
She craved the advice and love only a mother could give.

Eventually Lily came into the room and plugged my phone on the charger. She then proceeded to pull the blankets back that were on me and she climbed up to straddle me.

My hands found her hip's immediately.

"Can I ask a favour of you?" Lily asked

"Of course"

"I know you have connections to a lot of people"


"Can you get me some information on my mum?"

"What did you want to know baby?"

"Just where she is. What she's doing, I don't even know if she's alive in all fairness. I'm just curious"

"Is maybe the unknown better? I don't want you getting hurt baby"

"I won't"

I didn't exactly believe her but I wouldn't stop her getting information.

"What's her name?"

"I don't know if it's been changed but when I was 17 it was Danielle Wilson"

"Okay beautiful"

"Thank you"

Lily cuddled up to my body and we ended up having sex. We did practically every day. It didn't take much for either of us to want it. Especially now when her pussy was rubbing around my cock and her tits were in my face.

She had ridden me which was the best sight. Seeing her sink down onto me, holding my hands for support while it hit her G-spot.

Then we took a after-sex nap where her body was curled up in mine. I was spooning her. Holding her naked body close to mine.

I could only nap for an hour and then I had to wake up to head to the bar early. Lily woke up to my alarm but I quickly shut it off.

"What time did you want me to be there?" Lily asked

"Around 7 baby"

"Okay. I love you"

"I love you too. Go back to sleep for a bit"

I gave her a kiss on the lips this time and then slid out of bed and went to take a shower.

After getting out, I put on some black slacks and a white buttoned top. I left a few buttons up the top off and rolled up the sleeves to my elbows.

I got my shoes on and Lily was passed out again.

I pulled the blankets up her body for her and then left the penthouse.

I drove to the bar and it had been fully set up now. There was just some cleaning taking place.

I quickly shot a message off to Jackson asking him to pick up Lily for me around 6:30. To make sure she was here by 7. Then I texted Lily to let her know.

Then I got on a phone call with Derek.

"Boss?" He asked

"I need you to get me all the information you can find on a Danielle Wilson" I said

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