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*Lily's p.o.v*
Travis hadn't really been home today. He had given me his credit card because we were out of groceries. I was currently making an order for everything we needed.

I wanted to drive and go walk about the grocery store but my car didn't work since it has stayed parked in the garage for so long, Travis told me he would take it to a mechanic next week.

For the meantime though, if I wasn't with Travis, I was walking to where I wanted to go or I was ordering things online.

I really wanted to get a job again but Travis was hesitant about me working again. Little things made me very exhausted. He didn't want me working and then passing out of having a seizure. While I was at home, I wasn't doing anything crazy and I would likely not have a seizure.

He said I could work back at the bar when it opened again so he could keep an eye on me. I didn't know how to feel about that. We've been through a lot in our relationship, it was where we met but it was also the place that brought a lot of pain. We had fights there, I was shot there. I had time to think anyway, it wasn't opening for some time yet.

The groceries were delivered so I went down into the reception and lugged them back to the penthouse. I started to unstack everything into the fridge and cupboards when I heard the lift come up.

I finished up in the kitchen just in time to run into Travis walking down.

"Hey babe" I said

"Baby" he said

I noticed something wasn't right, he seemed tense.

"What's wrong?" I asked

Travis pulled me into his arms and held me.

"I'm going to go take a shower" he said kissing the top of my head.

I felt cold when he pulled away. Travis walked off to the bedroom and I heard the shower turn on. I waited until I heard it turn off before I went into the bedroom and he was already in bed. His hands behind his head.

"Lay on your stomach" I said walking over to him.

He raised his left eyebrow

"Why?" He asked

"I'm going to give you a back rub"

Travis rolled to his stomach and I climbed onto the bed and straddled his ass. It was the only way I could do this because I was too short to do this next to the bed.

I started to rub his back, putting some pressure on his shoulders where I knew he felt pain sometimes.
I was giving him back scratches and using my palms on his lower back.

"You know you can talk to me about things. If you feel sad or something is on your mind" I said

Travis chuckled

"Yeah I'm aware baby but I'm all good"

"You're in a grumpy mood" I said

"I'm just tired princess"

"No. I know the difference between you being tired and you being upset over something. I know you very well by now. It's okay to have feelings, I know you're a man and very strong but we all have emotions"


"Yes baby?"

"I love you but please for the love of god stop using your psychology degree on me"

"Fine. Love you too"

I kept rubbing his back and I felt him relax more and more. He had fallen asleep so I very gently, climbed off his back. I pulled the blankets up and I laid beside him for awhile before I decided to cook him a nice dinner.

I made up a lasagna from scratch just not including the sheets and that had to cook for awhile. I knew it would be perfect because Travis would wake up from his nap by then.

I prepped the garlic bread and then made up the salad. The salad was mainly for me since I enjoyed it more than Travis. He was a big guy, he needed all the carbs.

When everything was cooked and ready to go, I went into the bedroom and Travis was still passed out. It had been well over an hour.

I climbed onto the bed and gently touched his chest.

"Babe" I said

Travis opened his eyes partially and looked over at me

"You alright?" He asked in a deep voice

"I made dinner for us if you wanted to come eat" I said touching his arm.

"Thank you baby but I'm really tired. I'm going to sleep a little longer"


I leaned over and kissed him before I left the bedroom. I made up a plate for myself and sat on the couch putting on Gilmore Girls as per usual. I ate and damn it was good but I was in a food coma afterwards.

I ended up laying down, I was curled up under a blanket. It was almost 9pm when the bedroom door opened and I heard footsteps. Travis came into the living room, just in his boxers.

I looked over at him.

"Will you come to bed?" He asked

"Why?" I asked confused

"Lily please"

"Okay. I'll be there in a minute"

He turned and went back to the bedroom. I turned the TV of, turned the dishwasher on and grabbed my water.
Then I switched the lights off and went to the bedroom.

Travis was back in bed. I closed the door and put my water down on the table.
Then I started to take my clothes off. I pretty much always slept naked now.

After climbing under the blankets, Travis grabbed me and pulled me over to him.

I was on my side, he was spooning me.

"I need you to come to Philadelphia next week with me" Travis said

"Okay baby. What's in Philadelphia?" I asked

"My dad died today. His funeral is next Thursday"

"What? Trav I'm so sorry" I said turning to face him this time

"It's fine. Will you come with me?"

"Of course, you never have to ask me. I'll always be here for you"

I kissed his forehead and I held him this time.

But not for long because I was flipped onto my back and Travis's cock slid straight into my pussy. No warning. Nothing.

And he started to pound into me. Roughly. He was being really rough but this was this way of expressing those built up emotions since my man didn't cry like I did when things got tough.

So I would take every inch of him, every thrust even when it hurt a bit if that's what he needed.

We never spoke too much about his parents. I know that he grew up in this rough and violent world, I knew that things like birthdays and Christmas wasn't considered special.

But it was clear that he loved his dad.

"Take my fucking cock" he growled choking me

I came of course but this was about him, he pounded me so deep and then filled me up with his cum.

And usually he would hold me after but he discarded me. He pushed me over on the bed and turned away from me. I knew he was hurting so I was giving him a pass in how he treated me.

When he was asleep, I went to the bathroom and cleaned myself up. I took a shower and went back to bed. I rubbed his back as I laid there feeling so used but I knew he loved me and just didn't know how to deal with those emotions building up inside him.

My Girl; A dark romance Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora