CHAPTER 6: A Second Chance

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A/N: So here is another chapter, and I hope you all enjoy this one as well. Thank you so much for taking the time to read it 🤗

Naruto couldn't sleep last night. There were bags under his eyes, and his usually glowing skin seemed dull today, although they weren't that noticeable. His thoughts had done their job quite well last night. They left him wondering about the incidents of yesterday. The way Sasuke had behaved had been bothering him for quite some time before he saw his full name in the attendance register.

'He is an Uchiha... no wonder he was like that yesterday. I've heard about them before from otōsan. They are very prideful and won't accept defeat, even if it costs them their lives.'

He was able to understand Sasuke a little. He knew deep down that if anyone had challenged him the way he had challenged the Uchiha, he would have made the same choice as Sasuke.

He rode his bike to Konoha High, enjoying the fresh air of the pleasant morning. As he approached the school gates, he suddenly stopped. After a moment of contemplation, he parked his bike by the entrance and leaned against one of the pillars holding the huge gates in place. He crossed his hands at the back of his head and waited. He didn't know why, but he found himself worrying about Sasuke.

So, he waited till he spotted Sasuke walking at a leisurely pace at some distance. Naruto waited for him to get a little closer before walking up to him.

"Ne, Sasuke! How are you?"

Naruto called out to him as he closed the gap between them. He saw Sasuke look up at him, then quickly avert his gaze.

'Well... I should've known this.'

Naruto sighed as he went after Sasuke, who had already walked through the gates. Sasuke was confused. Why wouldn't Naruto leave him alone?

'The rounds should've been enough to make it up to him for what happened yesterday... Do I have something else to make up for?'

"What's wrong, dattebayo?"

Sasuke stopped in his tracks a little away from him. He could hear a hint of worry in Naruto's slightly desperate voice. As a result, he turned around to take a look at Naruto. He saw those blue orbs begging Sasuke to talk to him.

'I... should leave him alone. It's for his own good. It was nice meeting you, Naruto.'

Sasuke unconsciously smiled, which was the saddest smile in the eyes of Naruto that he had ever seen anybody give. For some reason, his heart hurt as he watched the Uchiha leave. Naruto would rather see Sasuke act bratty than make such an expression.

'But I won't leave you alone. Not anytime soon. I want to know why you gave me that lovesick smile. You have the 5th lesson with me today. See you soon, Sasuke.'


Sasuke's leg muscles had cramped pretty badly after yesterday's ordeal, which made today a hellish experience for him. His right ankle was especially giving him a hard time since he had twisted it while taking rounds yesterday. Still, he thought that walking at a slow speed would be very much possible no matter how badly his entire lower body and core hurt.

But this time, he hadn't even cared to look at the situation of his sore points last night.

'It'll get better by tomorrow.'

But Sasuke was careless this time because it never did get better. He was having trouble walking down the hall to get to the changing rooms. He was even limping at this point, but he made sure that it wasn't too noticeable, but it only hurt more in the process. He felt himself flinching every time he set his right foot down.

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