CHAPTER 17: A Special Place

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"Hurry up, teme! We're going to be late, dattebayo!"

Naruto screamed at the raven, who was taking his own sweet time to get on the bike.

"The helmet, dobe."

"Leave it for today. It's not like we are going very far."

Naruto said so, but that wasn't the real reason. He had planned something for today, and if that somehow worked out, then the helmets were just going to be in the way.

'I'm gonna have to hug him again? That too without hiding my face? This won't end well...'

Sasuke sighed and took his seat behind his sun. He wrapped his hands gently around Naruto's broad frame and was waiting for the ride to start when Naruto spoke up.

"Ne, Sasuke."


"Can I suggest something?"

Naruto asked, unsure of why he was going to do it or if it was even right to do it. But since he was Naruto, he would always listen to his heart.


"Well, do you want to sit in front?"

Naruto asked hesitantly and chuckled sheepishly.

"Why? You wanna sit at the back?"

Sasuke questioned, clueless of Naruto's intentions.

"N-No, that's not what I meant."


"Well, you know, like you sit in front of me while facing me...?"

Naruto said and was waiting for Sasuke to smack him, but unknown to the blond boy, Sasuke was actually flustered and was contemplating the possibility of it happening.

'Why does he want me to do that? Am I his boyfriend or what?! Though I don't mind it...'

He couldn't wrap his head around the entire situation, but, for once, he wanted to do something for his crush that was out of his comfort zone. The fact that he got to admire Naruto's features up close was a bonus.

Naruto was about to back off due to the silent treatment he thought Sasuke was giving him, but before he could, he got a reply he didn't know he was waiting so desperately for.


"Huh? What? So you'll do it?!"


Naruto did not expect Sasuke to actually go along with it. He was surprised that the raven didn't deny his childish request.

'Shit... He actually agreed! I'm gonna scratch that from my bucket list now!'

Naruto was overflowing with pride as he smiled like an idiot. After all, he had just gotten the coldest Uchiha out there to ride a bike with him in the "girlfriend position."

"So, what are you waiting for?"

Naruto motioned for Sasuke to climb on as Sasuke did so before adjusting himself in a comfortable position in front of the Uzumaki.

He then looked up, and his eyes fell upon the angelic face of the man he had spent hours doting on. This was the first time he had gotten so close to the face he loved. His cheeks turned bright red, and his heart almost exploded out of his chest.

'If I were half as extroverted as Naruto, I would've just kissed him right here...'

Sasuke thought as he subconsciously licked his lips slightly at the sight of the blond's lips. They looked like the world's most delicious delicacy to him.

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