CHAPTER 36: Fear of Losing Him

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A/N: Heya People!!
I thought let's have some mercy and not keep y'all waiting too much, do here you go!

There, on the threshold of the Uchiha mansion, with the sun's light entering the cold place from beside him, stood Naruto. The blond's breath was ragged, and his heart was already beating out of control when he kicked the door open. He was afraid of what he would see beyond it.

And his fears were justified.


The blond's body froze when his eyes landed upon Sasuke's limp and bruised form being held by the throat by a man whom he perceived to be Fugaku. His eyes were filled with worry as his gaze alternated between Sasuke and his father, who was now looking at the blond.

Fugaku's eyebrows furrowed in annoyance as he recognized Naruto as the boy on Sasuke's laptop. He released Sasuke's throat, causing the young raven to fall to his knees as his legs were unable to support him anymore. Sasuke was thrown into a fit of forceful coughs as he tried to catch his breath.

Naruto's hands clenched into a fist as he watched the man he loved suffer indescribably because of a mentally sick father he was cursed with. The blond was descending into an absolutely livid state of mind. All the fear, anxiety, and restlessness the Uzumaki had felt were now acting as fuel to the burning rage inside him.

Just then, Kakashi entered behind Naruto. He couldn't help but notice that Naruto was shaking, and he knew it was rage. His gaze shifted ahead and landed on Sasuke and Fugaku.

"What the hell..."

The words involuntarily escaped the silver-haired teacher, who was absolutely horrified on seeing Sasuke's condition. He now understood why Naruto was in the state he was, and Kakashi was going to do nothing to stop him.

Just the sight before them was enough permission for Naruto's inner beast to take over. His face darkened with menacing rage as his eyes grew red with fury, looking like the slits of a fox, and his whiskers assumed a darker shade, looking oddly prominent.

He was his most dangerous self right now.


The blond yelled as he rushed towards the father and son duo at lightning speed. Kakashi accepted this as his cue to finally get to work and followed the blond right behind him.

Fugaku was sure that he would be able to tackle the two, but what he failed to predict was their speed. Both Kakashi and Naruto were too fast for the elder Uchiha to be able to stop them from getting to Sasuke and defend against them at the same time.

Naruto made his way towards Sasuke, allowing Kakashi to deal with Fugaku, who wasted not a second in getting the elder Uchiha away from his son. While the silver-haired man kept Fugaku occupied in combat, Naruto quickly dropped to his knees beside Sasuke, who was now lying on his side on the floor.


The blond yelled as he tried to lift Sasuke's head to his lap, earning a groan from the raven.

"S-sorry, just don't fall asleep, teme!"


Sasuke's voice was hoarse as he tried his best to speak. His breaths were shallow and quick, which was a clear indication of the pain he was feeling in his body. Even as he tried to speak, the slightest movement of his neck was causing it to hurt like a thousand needle pricks.

"Don't speak, it's okay..."

Naruto's voice trembled with the overwhelming emotions coursing through him. The blond was terrified because he didn't know what to do. He only watched Sasuke writhing in pain while praying for the ambulance to arrive.

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