CHAPTER 11: A Good Friend

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A/N: I am so sorry for not updating on time. I am currently very sick, but somehow, I have managed to complete this chapter within this week. I hope you like it!😅 Oh! Also, this chapter will have cussing words more than the usual ones.


Kiba's voice echoed through the almost empty classroom. There was a certain raven sitting at the back with his head down, who tilted his head slightly to catch a glimpse of who it was that was looking for him. However, upon seeing that it was Kiba, Sasuke was somewhat disappointed.

'Why can't it be Naruto? Oh... I forgot, I've been avoiding these days.'

Sasuke mentally scoffed and went back to listening to the song "Anthem of the Lonely" by Nine Lashes, which was playing on a low volume. He let put a small sigh as thoughts of Naruto kept lingering in his head.

He had been devastated for the past four days. He knew that it was his choice to drive Naruto away, but it was proving more difficult for him than he thought.

'Fuck you, Naruto.'

Sasuke was missing his time with the blonde. After all, Naruto was his first friend. In the entire school, the blond was the only one who saw Sasuke for what he was.

Sasuke had built a metal wall around himself, which had always scared everyone away. He was never fond of this loneliness, but he was also afraid of leaving his safe space.

However, Naruto was like a shining ball of fire who had managed to melt every wall that Sasuke had surrounded himself with. Naruto was his sun. And now, Sasuke had realized how all alone, cold, and destroyed he was without him, both mentally and physically.

He had lost his appetite. Having lunch was a fond memory he shared with the blond, so since that day, he had stopped eating lunch altogether. He had been surviving only on his dinner for the past few days.

Naruto had been haunting him every night. He couldn't sleep, couldn't eat. He tried to make something out of his emotions but it was all meaningless. He could neither write nor paint any piece. He felt empty and utterly lost without his ray of sunshine. But he had already chosen darkness over light.

'This is probably for the best...'

It was lunch break, and Sasuke wasn't the least bit hungry. He didn't bother lifting his head when he heard Kiba stomping his way over to his seat. Kiba pulled off his hoodie and harshly removed one of the earbuds from Sasuke's ear.

"Tsk, what do you want?"

Sasuke looked up at the heavily built brunette, clearly annoyed at his actions. However, the eye bags under Sasuke's eyes and his paler than usual skin took Kiba by surprise.

'Why the fuck does he look like that?! I came here to yell at him, and now what? I almost don't want to... well, fuck it. Bros before hoes!'

Kiba's thoughts were interrupted by a loud and annoyed sigh from the raven in front of him. Kiba cleared his throat and began,

"Why the fuck are you ignoring Naruto?"

"Why does it matter to you?"

Sasuke spoke nonchalantly. He felt hurt inside at the accusation, but he tried not to show it on his face. However, his gaunt features betrayed him. Kiba noticed this slight change but decided to ignore it.

"Well, he is my best friend, so it very much concerns me."

"*sigh* Look, dog-breath, if Naruto doesn't have any issues, then you shouldn't either. And if he does, he can come talk to me on his own. Now shoo."

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