CHAPTER 26: The Closed Door

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A/N: A Very, Very, Happy New Year to y'all!
( ^-^)ノ∠※。.:*:・'°☆
This is a long ass chapter yet again. 😅 Honestly, I really didn't think that I would be able to give an update for New Year, but I did make a promise, so here we are!
Ok, I get it, I'll let you guys read it... Ain't nobody got time for an ol'author like me (fake sobs) 😩

The vivid hues of the afternoon sky were transitioning into warm evening tones, but Sasuke had not moved a step from where he was. He was outside Naruto's apartment, sitting with his back leaning against the wooden door, exposed to the cold October breeze.

Sasuke had told Naruto that he would give him space, but the raven was too worried about his blond crush to be able to do so. He was unable to get even a wink of sleep last night because he just couldn't stop thinking about Naruto.

He wanted to talk to the blond. He wanted to make sure if he was okay or if he needed anything. He simply wanted to be there for the person he loved. But it is always easier said than done.

Today, during school hours, Sasuke had gone against the very rule he had made. He did not want to be Naruto's student today; he wanted to go and talk to Naruto and check up on him, despite the glances he knew he would get from his classmates for acting so friendly with their sensei.

And so, Sasuke had tried his best to interact with Naruto, only to be brutally ignored. It was almost as if Sasuke was a random stranger to him. Sasuke kept calling out to the blond for the entire P.E. lesson, but Naruto did not even bat an eye at him, leading everyone in the class to think that he was some attention-seeking asshole.

Everyone except Kiba. Kiba was aware of how hard Sasuke was trying to get Naruto to open up to him.

Naruto also did not show up at the rooftop for lunch today. Sasuke eventually gave up waiting for the blond and headed back to the class without eating anything since he had lost all his appetite.

Sasuke was already anticipating this, but he never knew that Naruto ignoring him could affect him this much. For the first time in his life, Sasuke had rushed out of the classroom as soon as the school hours were over in hopes of catching Naruto on his way, but it was all in vain.

So, here he was, seated on the cold tiles of the building where Naruto lived. He had knocked on Naruto's door many times, wishing that the blond would open the door and let him in. However, three hours had already passed, and Naruto still hadn't opened the door for him.

For once, Sasuke had thought that maybe Naruto was still at school since he hadn't seen the blond leave. But the sudden noise of shuffling and soft footsteps that definitely weren't Kurama's confirmed that Naruto was at home.

Sasuke was sitting with his knees folded to his chest to protect himself from the cold while staring at the sky as it changed colors.

'I should try again.'

He turned around a little and knocked on Naruto's door for the fiftieth time.

"Oi, dobe... I know you're inside... don't try to fool me. I said this earlier, but for your sake, I'll say it again. I won't leave until you open this door."

His tired voice was very much audible to the ears of the blond man who was standing right behind Sasuke, the door still separating them. Naruto wished he could open the door in front of him and let the raven in. He wished to take Sasuke in his embrace and warm him up, but he knew he couldn't do so. He knew that if he accepted Sasuke, he wouldn't be able to face Sai.

'Just go away, teme... Don't stay outside in the cold...'

A tear slipped down Naruto's whiskered cheeks as he turned around and left for his room, ignoring the whining coming from Kurama. Even the fox, who would occasionally growl at Sasuke, was begging Naruto to open the door for him.

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