CHAPTER 19: Beautiful

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A/N: Hello everyone~
So this chapter will bring you one of our main side couples.
Presenting to you all:
Kakairu! 🥳
Anyways since this chapter is mainly about them, it's going to be a long one! Brace yourselves!

Hatake Kakashi shows up late for almost everything, be it for classes, school events, or even his own birthday party. He is always among the last people to arrive, for unknown reasons. If someone asked, he would explain it as follows:

"I just got lost on the path of life."

"I saw a black cat on the short path, so I had to take the long one."

"I was abducted by aliens."

One could publish a book on his baseless and varied excuses.

However, today, by some miracle, he had come early.

He stood in front of the gate, staring at it with his 'Icha Icha Paradise' closed in his hands.

'It's embarrassing... My reputation will go down the drain if I go in now.'

He did not want to go inside any earlier than his usual timing, but today was an exception. He had to prepare for the upcoming exams next week.

'Ah, screw it!'

He decided to go in and was casually walking down the aisle while reading the publicly inappropriate book when he saw a tuft of black hair from the corner of his eye. He immediately knew who it was.

'Sasuke...? He comes to the school this early, huh? It's been a while since we've talked.'

He thought as his feet absentmindedly carried him to the raven. Sasuke was Kakashi's most outstanding student, and not only was Kakashi his sensei but also a guardian.

They had shared a bond stronger than that of a sensei and a student. Sasuke would never admit it, but to him, Kakashi was like a true father figure who knew what went on in his life, including his house.

"Yo! Sasuke!"

Kakashi cheerfully called out to the raven-haired male with a small smile hidden under his unusual mask. He placed a hand on his shoulder and turned him around.

His smile faltered as his eyes grew wide with shock upon seeing his secretly favorite student looking completely broken and exhausted.

His dark orbs had lost their luster, with huge, dark eye bags under them. His cheekbones were looking sharp in an unhealthy way. The faint color from his already pale skin had disappeared, making him look almost lifeless.

The empty expression he wore on his face spoke volumes to one of the only two people on Earth who knew what went on inside the Uchiha's residence.

"Kakashi... ugh!"

Before Sasuke could finish greeting his mentor, the raven fainted.


Kakashi yelled before he caught the raven in his hands just before he hit the ground. Kakashi noticed that he was sweating all over. It was only when he fell unconscious that he finally showed something other than a stoic expression as he subconsciously knitted his eyebrows due to the pain he was in.


He pocketed his book, picked up the boy, and hurriedly carried him on his back to his car. He laid the raven down in the backseat and drove away as fast as he could to the only place he knew Sasuke would want to be treated at: Iruka's.

He halted in front of the alley and carried Sasuke bridal style in his arms to the doctor. He banged on the door with his foot until it was answered by the doctor whose plans of lazing around for the day were about to be ruined.

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