CHAPTER 1: The Twisted Uchiha

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A/N : Heyoo~ yes this is my first fanfic and this is the first chapter of it...heh😅 Well, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I am trying my best to do justice to the actual characters and their personalities but ofc there will be a few changes so...yeah! That's it! And the art is not mine 😬 but credits to the owner 🙇🏻‍♀️

Uchiha Sasuke woke up on the wrong side of the bed this Monday. Mondays weren't exactly good to begin with since they required waking up at six in the morning to get ready to go to school after a nice lazy Sunday, only to be surrounded by girls... In fact, he would wake up with an irritable mood every day without exception. He didn't have his life going particularly smoothly anyways.

In any case, he wasn't looking forward to this day either. He switched off his alarm, which sounded like a crow cawing its lungs out. He stretched a little before getting out of bed and went straight to brush his teeth. He hated that smelly morning breath.

'Is there no way to make it smell like blueberries in the early morning?'

Sasuke thought lazily while brushing his teeth. He washed his face with a charcoal face wash, which made his skin shine under the sun rays that entered his washroom from the small window beside the sink.

Sasuke's classes started at half past eight in the morning, and his school, Konoha High, was only a 20-minute walk from his house. Hence, he had all the time to be lazy and wake up at seven in the morning. However, Sasuke chose to wake up an hour earlier than required. Why? Because he wanted to go to school looking perfect, and that had been the case every day since he turned 13.

He was obsessed with having everything "perfect." He would wake up at six, exercise for half an hour, and freshen up by seven. He would then groom his black, silky hair (which took quite a long time because it was long) and style it into a 'perfect' shape (aka the infamous duckbutt hair). He used gel to make it shine just the right amount and spray to make it stay in place throughout the day. He would then repeat his morning skincare routine, and by 7:30, he would be dressed in his 'perfectly' ironed uniform, with his black shoes 'perfectly' polished. His face would look 'perfect', with glass skin, and above it, his long black bangs 'perfectly' set.

Everything was supposed to be done perfectly, like the way Itachi, his elder brother, did things. Sasuke idolized Itachi; there was no doubt. However, he couldn't help but feel a certain resentment towards him on a few occasions, which mostly had to do with their father not paying Sasuke enough attention while praising Itachi for his smallest achievements.

"The day you achieve more than what Itachi did at your age, I'll acknowledge your efforts," his father, Uchiha Fugaku, would say to him every time they had a family dinner.

His efforts were never deemed enough. Make no mistake, Sasuke had achieved many milestones at his age and was always ahead of his peers, but the fields in which Sasuke excelled were considered "useless" in the eyes of Fugaku. Fugaku never acknowledged Sasuke's artistic abilities because he thought they would lead to nothing and were in no way beneficial to the family business.

"You won't be needing paints and canvases to run the Sharingan Villas," were his father's words.

Fugaku owned a chain of resorts he named Sharingan Villas, and he had already decided for Itachi to be the heir to it.

Sasuke knew that he would never be the heir to the family business, and he never wanted to be. However, he did wish for his father to allow him to become an artist. But if his father was against the idea, he wouldn't dare rebel and follow the path his father wanted him to take. He wanted to be the perfect son like Itachi, and obsessing over this fact, he never realized how he was being treated unfairly.

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