CHAPTER 7: The New Dynamic

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Sasuke was lying on his bed, his mind preoccupied with thoughts of a certain blond early in the morning.

Every night, he had gone to bed thinking of a new strategy for avoiding Naruto the next day, but to no avail. Sasuke had already formed a bond with him, which was strengthening at an alarming rate. He hadn't yet spilled the most intimate secrets about himself, but Naruto had definitely become his first friend. But he would never admit it out loud.

However, Sasuke wasn't particularly optimistic about this. Why? Because reality had slapped him in the face as he realized that he was 100% attracted to that dobe. The time they spent together had worked its magic, at least on Sasuke.

'Today's Saturday... meaning I won't be seeing him tomorrow. Good. I really do need a break...'

He, as usual, walked to school. However, he was inside his classroom, staring out the window half an hour earlier than his original schedule.

Probably because he could see the field from where he sat, or rather the man with blue eyes and whiskered cheeks running about, preparing for the day ahead.

The bell rang, and Sasuke realized that he had successfully spent the last hour staring at Naruto from his seat.

'How embarrassing... tch.'


As usual, Naruto was fiddling with his bag of 'Ichiraku Ramen' while waiting for Sasuke. The tempting aroma of miso ramen was mercilessly invading his senses, but he didn't want to start his meal before Sasuke arrived. He was getting used to this new dynamic between them.

To his relief, he soon heard the doorknob twist, and soft footsteps approached him as the raven, with his bento in his hands, came into view.

"Yo! You got any new trick up your sleeve to annoy me today, teme?"

Naruto greeted as Sasuke took a seat beside him.


Sasuke replied coldly as they both began eating in each other's company after an enthusiastic "Itadakimasu!" from Naruto.

Sasuke's master plan for annoying Naruto today was to secretly steal one of the many boxes of Naruto's ramen. He knew Naruto was obsessed with that thing, to say the least. The plan was risky, but it was worth a try.

"Dobe, eating ramen every day is not good."

"Says the one who wouldn't dare try this heavenly food, hmph."

"And why would I want to try that thing?"

"Like I said, because it's heavenly!"

Naruto was cheerfully pitching his ramen, while Sasuke shook his head in disbelief. He scoffed as their not-so-heated argument continued.

"No thanks, it's greasy."

"Well, your food is boring."

"It's healthy."

"Then mine's tasty."

"I wonder how you got those buffed up muscles after eating all this... *sigh*"

"Ramen is healthy, ok! Wait... what did you- Ay~ Sasuke, have you been eyeing my muscles?"

Sasuke's cheeks turned as red as a tomato. All he could manage to do was say a measly "Shut up!" and look away.

Naruto heartily laughed at his reaction for a while and decided to change the topic as he wanted the raven to stay.

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