Sasuke's Journal Entry (3)

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"He smiles at this world as if his journey were a walk through fields of roses. However, roses have thorns that cut deep."

I just came back from Naruto's, and here I am, writing my thoughts away.

Today, he narrated his story to me; however, I can tell that it's not finished yet.

I can't help but feel... sad.

He was alone. All alone. Forced to conform to the norms that would classify him as 'normal' in the eyes of others.

His young, innocent self was exposed to the disgusting stereotypes of this world way too soon.

I can't even imagine what he has dealt with just to get where he is today.

I am just glad that he had his friends to help him cope with things in high school.

He did tell me about how his friends helped him, but I feel that the beautiful boy whom he called Sai shared something more than a brotherly bond with him. However, Naruto ended his narrative quite vaguely.

He just said that he found good friends, and now he has a better life thanks to them... It sounds incomplete to me.

What is he hiding? Why is he hiding it? Is he even hiding something? Or am I just overthinking?

I don't know anymore...

But... I felt something weird in my stomach when he told me about his friends, Sai in particular.

What was that feeling?

I felt... jealous...?

I have no clue as to why I am thinking of this, but I wish I was there with him when he was going through all this... I wanted to be there for him... I want to be there for him even in the future.

I am ridiculous, aren't I?

But, who doesn't want to see that toothy grin of his? I like seeing him smile...

But, I fail to understand how he stays so positive and cheerful about everything... Is that the power of 'true bonds' that he says he has with his friends?
Am I someone like that to him? Can I be someone like that to him? Will I ever be a person who is important to him?

I don't know. I feel like I don't have the right to even think of this as a possibility...

What good have I done for him? What can a useless person like me do for him?

With how amazing friends he's got, he doesn't need me...

But his smile speaks something different...

Just how much does he hide beneath that goofy facade of his?

Oh well, smiles are a dangerous thing,
you never know what they are concealing...

~ recorded on the night of the "Third Quarter"

*Third Quarter - when the moon is 50.95% visible and is decrescent.

A/N: Three chapters in a row... damn!
Anyways, thank you so very much for reading this story, and I hope you all like it. Keep giving it love! (Give some to me as well 🤧)
See you all in the next chapter!
Author sound out ~ ✌🏻

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