CHAPTER 33: His Sins

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A/N: ...People ...10,000... LEGIT 10,000 VIEWS!!!!!!
I can't even- I'm so happy and so thankful to each and every one of you! 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️
I can't express the amount of happiness in simple words... Just know that I... I'm in happy tears. That's it.

Time waits for no one, and Sasuke was never an exception. Another day had already set in, and the seed of turmoil that had been sown in his consciousness the evening before was only growing worse with his anxiety and overthinking skills acting as the catalyst.

Yes, Sasuke had decided to leave the bond he shared with his blond sensei behind at Naruto's home when he left, yet there was not an ounce of peace that came with that decision.

The young Uchiha was afraid.

He had been stubbornly holding onto Naruto for so long now that the Uzumaki was no longer a person to him but a habit. Sasuke, like any other, was but a human who was scared to leave his comfort zone, which he had so nonchalantly claimed to cut ties with.

'I got too comfortable with him... shit.'

Sasuke was enlightened with this bitter truth only after he decided to give up on Naruto for good. He was now more determined than ever to bid farewell to his crush, his feelings, his hopes, and whatever Naruto had given him.

However, everything takes time, and Sasuke was aware that he would have to somehow deal with this second bout of heartbreak he was suffering.

Sasuke lay awake in his bed, his thoughts tirelessly swimming in a cluster of disturbing notions that had been flooding his psyche since last night, leaving no room for him to escape. Yet, one question towered over all the other conflicts and doubts that Sasuke was to face.

'What next?'

Sasuke's decision to leave the blond was final, but what was he supposed to do next? He had already tried immersing himself in alcohol, which hardly did any good to him. It was, in simple terms, a massive blunder.

'Should I call Suigetsu again?'

Sasuke wondered as he stared up at the ceiling while analyzing this option. After spending a decent time on it, he finally chose not to do so. Suigetsu was Sasuke's best friend without any doubt, but Sasuke had, in the light of the recent events, learned that his best buddy wasn't exactly the best with break-up advice.

'So... do I call Itachi?'

The raven thought for a split second before quickly discarding this choice for the sake of his pride. Asking for advice on his feelings and asking for a solution for his heartbreak were two entirely separate matters for him.

'What if he thinks I am weak? Tsk.'

Sasuke was in no mood to confront his brother's overprotective behavior that made him feel like he was a damsel in distress. He did not want to appear emotionally weak in front of Itachi, nor did he want his perfect brother to see the impact of this entire ordeal on him.

He wanted to retain his image as the cold, tranquil, and unnecessarily prideful youngest son of the Uchiha lineage, especially in front of his brother who was deemed to be the most perfect Uchiha that their family history had seen.

Sasuke, once again, dived deep into the complex web of his thoughts to look for an answer, and it didn't take him long to finally find an optimum solution.

'Why didn't I think of it earlier? I feel... stupid.'

Sasuke thought to himself as he sat up straight with his back leaning against the headrest. He picked up his phone from his side table, moving one step closer to implementing his plan.

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