CHAPTER 24: The Untold Truth ⚠️

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A/N: Hello people!
So this chapter took me a long ass time to write because I was unsure of how to approach the storytelling of this.
Also, there are no ⚠️ signs in between, so forgive me 🫣

The room fell into heavy silence as Sasuke waited for an answer with bated breath. His hands were now clenched into fists, and his nails were painfully piercing the skin on his palms, but he didn't care.

Meanwhile, Kiba and Shikamaru were left to make a tough decision. They knew that it was not fair for Sasuke to be kept in the dark after what happened, but they were simultaneously questioning themselves.

'Are we the right people to tell this to him?'

'Shouldn't Naruto be the one telling him?'

'Will Naruto be mad at us if we tell him?'

And many more doubts swirled in their brains. They kept silent for about ten minutes before Sasuke chose to speak once again.

"Don't worry, if Naruto is mad at you after he wakes up, then you can say that I forced you guys to tell me. Also, I really wished that Naruto would've told me about it with time, but I just can't wait any longer. I want someone, in fact, anyone to tell me what is going on..."

Kiba's eyes widened, while Shikamaru turned to face him. Sasuke had managed to read them like an open book, and now they were seeing a clearer picture ahead of them.

Just one look at each other, and they knew they were thinking the same thing.

'He deserves to know.'

Shikamaru sighed and slightly nodded his head. Kiba knew that it was a difficult decision for Shikamaru to agree to this thought, but they also knew that it was the right thing to do.

They both turned to look at Sasuke before Kiba spoke.

"So, how much do you know about Naruto?"

Sasuke snapped his head in their direction, secretly thanking them for choosing to tell him.

"Hn... I know that he was kidnapped when he was a kid, and after he was rescued, he began learning boxing for self-defense. However, his trauma still remained, so his family changed places. He was quite likable at the new school before he chose to propose to a guy. His name was Haku, I guess. Anyway, after the rumors spread, he was bullied by some sick asses before he turned over a new leaf and began fighting back. He was a delinquent before he went to high school, where he met you guys. He told me that you guys changed his life for the better. After high school, he wanted to prepare for a government exam but also wanted to be independent, so he earned money at some illegal boxing clubs. However, he was the Hokage's son, so he had to quit. Then, he joined Konoha High as an assistant teacher to earn in a more acceptable way. So, this is it."

He briefed the two, leaving them stunned as they stared at the raven in surprise.

"It took me a year to get Naruto to tell me this much about his past..."

Shikamaru muttered under his breath, causing Sasuke to blush ever so slightly. He and Kiba were impressed at how fast Sasuke was able to get Naruto to tell him all this. However, the tale of Naruto's high school years was still left to be told.

"So you know pretty much everything apart from his high school life."

Kiba spoke, to which Sasuke nodded.

"Yeah, I only know that your gang was feared by all, but you all still made a good impression on the teachers."

The two began chuckling at Sasuke's words, almost reminiscing about their old school days.

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