CHAPTER 32: While He Slept

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A/N: Hey people!
Honestly, I didn't know where to start or end this chapter, so forgive me if this one comes off a little off.
Anyway, I still hope you like it!!

"Ugh! Dobe! I- *huff* shouldn't have - said I would take you *huff* home."

Sasuke mumbled under his breath as he struggled to climb up the stairs with a precious burden slung on his back. The blond hunk was out like a light.

Sasuke, being somewhat drunk, wasn't exactly able to handle Naruto's weight smoothly. However, he did manage to bring his blond sensei home.

He tried twisting the knob of the door of Naruto's apartment, and to Sasuke's relief yet concern, the door was not locked.

'This dobe should really be more careful...'

As soon as the raven entered the small run-down place, Kurama came running to him and began wagging his nine tails at the sight of Sasuke and Naruto together. He began circling around Sasuke's feet, not letting the raven move even an inch.

"Tsk. Move."

Sasuke scolded Kurama in a whisper as he tried to shoo away the fox but was very unsuccessful in his attempt. Yet, somehow, with Kurama constantly annoying him and getting in his way, he managed to get the blond to his bed.

Sasuke sat on the bedside as he removed Naruto's arms from around his neck. He gently laid the blond on the mattress and tucked him in properly under the unnecessarily bright orange quilt.

'You should really eat less ramen.'

Sasuke wondered while massaging his shoulders to soothe the looming soreness in them, his gaze not leaving Naruto's face for even a second. His gaze then drifted to the fox who was now beside Naruto, snuggling comfortably with him. He was almost jealous of how cozy Kurama looked and secretly wishing he could do it, too.

'What the hell, Sasuke...'

He snapped back to his realit, ashamed of his thoughts. He was fed up with constantly wanting the blond for himself.

'Why am I thinking all this again?!'

He tried to stop himself from desiring Naruto again but to no avail. His mind was already preoccupied with Naruto's face, body, smile, words...

'That's right... it's this dobe's fault I'm like this...'

His thoughts began drifting to the events that took place in the bar, and he still couldn't believe it. He was unable to digest the fact that Naruto had confessed, and yet his brain knew that what had happened was real.

The only issue remaining was that he didn't exactly know who Naruto had confessed to.

'Were those words meant for Sai? Or was it me this time?'

The confusion was driving Sasuke crazy with every minute, and he was not to blame for his skepticism. After all, Naruto had mistaken him for Sai before as well, so it wouldn't be surprising if a drunk Naruto mistakenly confessed to Sasuke instead.

The Uchiha sighed and sat down on the floor, just beside the bed with his back against the wall. He couldn't help but feel disappointed in himself.

'Why am I still here...?'

Sasuke was very well aware of Naruto's love for Sai. He knew he shouldn't even be involved with his blond crush anymore. He knew he should move on, and yet he was here, inside Naruto's house, hoping for one last confirmation from the blond.

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