CHAPTER 35: The Sun ⚠️

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A/N: Hello~
Well, I'll just let you all read and talk at the end.
( '∀` )b

Naruto had completely sobered up when he listened to all the events unfold at the other end of the call, and all his thresholds were crossed when the call ended. He had already slipped on his helmet and was now rushing outdoors to his bike while breathing frantically.

The seed of panic that had been sown in him was growing as it fed on his underlying fear little by little, which was not good news considering his vulnerability against his panic. The side effects of his ruined mental health were coming into play sooner than he wanted, interrupting his rational thoughts.

'I need to get to him, but how? I... I don't know where he lives...!'

Naruto's heart was throbbing against his chest furiously. He tried closing his eyes and breathing deeply to calm himself, but it wasn't working.

Naruto was clearly afraid. However, this wasn't the first time he was experiencing this heart-wrenching sensation of fear tingling throughout his body, making him paralyzed with emotions as it coursed. He had experienced this fear before. It was the fear he never got accustomed to.

It was the fear of... losing someone important.

'No... I've already lost him once... I can't lose him again.'

Naruto's determination to save Sasuke was unwavering because he remembered the terror had felt when Sai had met with the accident.

However, this time, the blond's fear had increased tenfold not because he saw Sasuke in Sai's shadow but because he was afraid to lose the raven even before he got to love him properly. He was not prepared to part with Sasuke, the only man who drove him to see past his guilt.

He was his rival. His equal. His savior. His... love.

The Uzumaki had recklessly thrown away the chance of being with the Uchiha once, but there was no way he was letting go of the raven again.

'There's no time to panic.'

Naruto knew he had to do something, and he had to do it fast, so he tried to calm himself down and evened out his breathing pattern while he thought for an optimum solution.

"Come on, there's gotta be some way, dattebayo!"

Naruto thought out loud in frustration when it clicked to him.

'The school! Student database! It has the information on the students' addresses!'

Naruto did not waste another second and bolted on his bike to school, breaking almost every traffic law that existed in Konoha. He rushed inside the school building, not even bothering to park his bike properly.

He slid the door of the teachers' lounge area open, and to his slight discomfort, he saw Kakashi sitting on one of the couches with his usual inappropriate book open in front of his face.

"Kakashi Sensei..."

Naruto blurted out involuntarily, catching Kakashi's attention. The silver-haired man raised an eyebrow at Naruto, who just bowed to him in return and hurriedly began searching the database on one of the computers in the room that was already switched on and working.

Naruto's chaotic movements and heavy breaths were starting to bug Kakashi, who found it rather odd for the blond to be so panicked. The Naruto he knew was almost always grinning stupidly, but today was different.

He observed the blond man, who was sitting with his back towards him, for a while, and upon noticing how his hands were shaking, the older sensei sighed as he closed his book and walked up to him. He silently stood behind Naruto, watching him trying to open the students' database of the school.

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