CHAPTER 6: A Second Chance (Part 2)

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Sasuke was sitting in an empty classroom near the infirmary, pondering the 'accident' that had just occurred. This was an entirely new experience for Sasuke. He had never felt protected before.

He found it ridiculous that his life had taken such a drastic turn because of a stupid smiling man whom he had only known for two days.

However, despite his skepticism, Sasuke couldn't forget the warmth that came with Naruto's touch. He found himself craving the pleasant peachy odor that emanated from him, despite all the sweat.

'I've already become greedy,'

Sasuke's curiosity about Naruto was growing, although he would never take the initiative to ask. He wanted to understand Naruto better and deepen their connection.

'Shut up! You don't want anything to do with him.'

Sasuke felt torn. He knew that in order to get closer to Naruto, he would have to put himself out there, but that wasn't the only thing bothering him.

He knew that he had a lot to learn about the beautiful blonde but was scared that he would end up wanting to be more than just friends with him. He was aware of the effect Naruto had on him already. After all, Sasuke was gay.

His thoughts were interrupted as he heard the door slide open. He saw Naruto with small medicine vials, a spray, an ice pack, and a crepe bandage in his hands.

'His hands, they're huge...'

Embarrassed by his thoughts, Sasuke shook his head and focused on what Naruto was doing. Naruto picked up his legs and placed them on the chair next to him. He kneeled and began rolling down Sasuke's socks when Sasuke's smaller hands stopped his larger ones.

"You don't have to do it. I can take care of myself."

"I know, but I want to see it for myself, dattebayo."

Naruto was set on seeing the condition of his foot, and Sasuke saw his conviction in his eyes.

"Unfortunately, I am no monument. There is nothing to see."

"Don't be stubborn, teme."

Before Sasuke could protest further, Naruto rolled down the cloth in one swift move, causing Sasuke to hiss loudly.

Naruto knew that his feet would be in bad shape, but this was more than he was prepared for. His right ankle was blue and swollen, and the soles of his feet were covered with torn skin and blisters. Naruto didn't say anything but glared at Sasuke. Sasuke didn't understand.

'What did I do now? I have been practically sitting the entire time. Is there a way to do even that wrong?'

"Why didn't you treat it yesterday itself?"

Naruto asked. It caught Sasuke off guard. He sounded serious and... frustrated?

"I- It's none of your business."

Sasuke tried to dismiss his question, but he stuttered.

'Way to show off your Uchiha- ness, Sasuke...'

Sasuke felt something cold come into contact with his ankle as he yelped slightly in pain.

"If you had treated it yesterday, it wouldn't be so bad today, dattebayo."

Naruto was angry at how careless Sasuke was being. He couldn't understand how the raven had managed to go this entire time in this state.

'It must have hurt so much...'

Naruto partly felt responsible for this. So, he decided not to waste another chance. Something told him to make friends with the raven.

"I asked you something, Sasuke."

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