CHAPTER 2 : The Lone Uzumaki

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A/N : And here is the second chapter~😁 Thank you all those who have come back here to read my story. Thank you all for taking out time to read this book.

Uzumaki Naruto, the son of the current Hokage, Namikaze Minato, was all set for the upcoming week and his new job as the assistant to the Physical Education teacher at Konoha High. He had been searching for a new part-time job for a while now because he wanted to be self-dependent. He had already bought a small apartment for himself last Wednesday, which was a 10-minute walk from his home and half an hour away from Konoha High, the school from which he graduated.

After sorting out all other things, he rang up his grandmother, Senju Tsunade, during school hours in the morning, three days prior to this Monday. She was the Principal of Konoha High during his high school years and still held that position.


"O baachan!" Naruto excitedly yelled over the phone.

"Oh! Naruto! What's the special occasion?" Tsunade sounded surprised. Naruto had never called her during school hours, especially not on the school's landline.

"Well...I was just wondering if you could, maybe, you know, hire me for a job, dattebayo."

"Why so suddenly? Plus, you just turned 19 some time ago...what job can I offer to a 19-year-old at the school? You wanna be a janitor, you brat!"

"Absolutely! Do you need a janitor?! I'll happily be the janitor for ya, dattebayo!"

"Hmm...well, I can't have a knucklehead looking after the building of my precious school. God knows what you will end up doing to it," Tsunade answered in a mocking tone after she had taken a moment to think. However, Naruto understood why she had been reluctant to give him the job. She already knew that Naruto was preparing for his government exams, and making him a janitor would be too much work for him. It especially wouldn't help him one bit with the exams. Naruto chuckled sheepishly over the phone and sighed before there was complete silence.

'Please, o baachan, I know you will have something I can do'

Naruto's mind was begging for Tsunade to give him some kind of work. None of them spoke for a while before Tsunade broke the anxious silence between them.

"Well, I do have a job that you can do, and it'll help you in more than one way," Tsunade said.

"What is the job?" Naruto asked nervously. He had sensed the slight mischief in Tsunade's voice.

"I want you to help Gai-sensei conduct P.E. classes. Become an assistant coach for the students here. That way, you can earn money and even train yourself for the physical test with the kids here. Then, when you go home, you can study and do whatever. Also, I'll pay you fairly. What do you think?" Tsunade concluded with a smirk Naruto could hear from the other side of the call. He thought about it for a moment and found that it was a particularly good offer, and he had no reason to deny it.

"OK! I am up for the job, dattebayo! Thanks, o baachan!" Naruto said while grinning, gratitude dripping from every word he had spoken. Tsunade asked Naruto to start from the coming Monday. Naruto was now done with everything. Only shifting his stuff from his home to his new apartment was left, which he thought could be done later.


Naruto went to the shoe rack and put on his black and orange Air Jordans, which completely matched his outfit of the day. He had worn an orange puffer jacket over a black cotton turtleneck and black cargo pants. He had also put on an authentic forehead protector made of navy blue cloth and a metal plate, over which the symbol of the city of Konoha was carved. Having a parent working in the government did have quite an effect on him. He had slowly started loving Konoha since the day his father became the Hokage. However, that hadn't always been the case for Naruto. There was a time when the younger Naruto had become determined to prove that everyone in the city was wrong.

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