CHAPTER 13: Serendipity

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A/N: Hello all~
So this is just a reminder that the art I use is not made by me. Please give credits to the respective artists.
( ^▽^)


Sasuke was carrying a palette in one hand and a paintbrush in the other. He was wearing a pair of khaki shorts with an apron, which was the only layer of clothing covering his torso.The evening sun bathed the room in its orange hue as he stood before the large canvas, which called out to the artist within him.

He was there, in his most secret space, to express his emotions through colors. He wanted to create an everlasting masterpiece that depicted the surge of emotions he had experienced earlier today.

'It's been a while since I've had the urge to paint something this badly,'

Sasuke thought with a smile. His heart was racing a mile a minute, and he was extremely overjoyed at the thought of decorating the blank surface.

He took a deep breath to calm himself down as he prepared to apply the first stroke of paint onto the cloth. He played "Fairytale" by Alexander Rybak on loop, letting himself drown in the chaos of his multiple emotions and following their lead.

He dipped his brush in water before mixing black and white paint together, forming a subtle gray. Remembering how he had debated continuously with himself on whether he should go or not earlier today, he laid his first stroke on the empty surface.


'I probably should just drop the idea. What will I say to father? He won't buy any excuses I make, come what may.'

Sasuke was contemplating canceling his plans with the blond for today. However, upon imagining the look of disappointment on Naruto's face, Sasuke shook the thought out of his head.

'No... I can't do this to him again. Plus, I've already thought of an excuse. Why waste the effort?'

Sasuke took a deep breath before heading outside his school building, as the last bell for the day had already rung. He quickly packed up his stuff, as he had to go to his house, get changed, and meet the group by the school gates within an hour.

As he stepped outside, he saw the familiar tuft of blonde hair in the distance. He scuttled over to him and stood facing him. He was feeling unsure about his decision once again.

'Fuck it. I'm not going.'

Sasuke was about to voice his thoughts when Naruto interrupted him.

"Ne, Sasuke. Thank-"

"Have a good day, sensei."

Sasuke interrupted Naruto, indirectly reminding him that they were still inside the school premises.

Naruto realized what Sasuke was hinting at and said the same words back to him. They both walked out of the school's gates together. As soon as they stepped outside the boundary, Sasuke spoke up.

"What is it, dobe?"

Naruto was still not used to this sudden change in treatment. Just a minute ago, he was the ideal student and now he was just a teme?!

'Is he bipolar?'

Naruto thought before continuing his sentence from earlier with a huge grin.

"O-Oh, well, thanks for coming with us. I really thought you would refuse at the last minute, dattebayo."

And that was all it took to throw Sasuke's uncertainty out the window.


Sasuke stopped his hand and looked up at the canvas, his mind fully in the present this time, only to find it covered in gray.

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