Chapter 287: The Worse Begins

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At an undisclosed location

February 28

3rd person POV

Maruo just made it to an inconspicuous building. 

He looks around and notices that there aren't any guards outside. 

Unbeknownst to him.

He is being monitored by L.

L: Is this him? 

L looked at the date today and it was around February 28.




Just then.

One of the guards suddenly shows up. 

Guard: Are you Nakano Maruo?

Maruo: Yes, I am here to find a certain person. Kaito sent me. 

Guard: I see. You may come in. He's been waiting.

Maruo got into an elevator as he rode it all the way close to the top floor.

As he waits. 

He noticed a small camera just above him to his left. 

Maruo: (Security here is very tight. Just who is this person I'm dealing with?) 

As he finally made it to the floor. 

He was then greeted by the world's greatest detective himself. 

L: Nakano Maruo. It's nice to finally meet you. 

Maruo: Wait, you're him?

L: Yes, you may call me L. But I also go by the name Ryuzaki for the sake of keeping my identity hidden. 

Maruo: So, you're the great L that I've been told by Kaito? You don't seem to look much. Shouldn't you be in high school? I can tell that you're just a teenager. Are you sure you're him? 

L: I can assure you Nakano-san. I am. If you want proof, then ask me something and I will simply guess it. 

Maruo: Very well. Can you tell if I'm married? 

L: You're a single father. You never remarried after the death of your late wife, and you have 5 daughters. 

Maruo was suddenly shocked by this. 

Maruo: No could you know all that?

L: I have my ways. After all, Shigeru told me stories about his colleagues and even Chairman Sakayanagi told me a thing or two about you.

Maruo: You're friends with the chairman as well? 

L: Yes.

Maruo: I see. You're more than what I expected. So, tell me detective. How's your investigation?

L: I haven't made too much progress despite interrogating those who are actually close with Atsuomi such as Suzukake-san.

Maruo: Suzukake?! Is he here?

L: He's in a holding cell in this building. Let me guess, a coworker or a friend? 

Maruo: Well, was my coworker. He's nothing but a yes-man to Atsuomi. 

L: Anyways, I heard from Shigeru that that you have some sort of evidence and even clues to where Atsuomi is. 

Maruo: That's correct. We find him, and we expose his nefarious experiment to the entire country. I want to put a stop to this.

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