Chapter 278: Unlikely Team ups

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3rd person POV

Security Room

Shinji: The climax of the exam has begun. 

Hoshinomiya: Hey, where did Kaito-kun go? He hasn't gone back yet. He said he was just getting some drinks. 

Shinji: Well, whatever he's up to its none of our concerns. 

Chabashira: I just remembered something.

Shinji: What is it?

Chabashira: A certain student just recently reported something peculiar to me and Shigeru.

Shinji: Really?

Chabashira: This student told me that someone in this school has brought in illegal drugs and interestingly enough, there is physical evidence for it. 

Shinji: Evidence?

Chabashira then shows Shinji the needles that was used during the 3rd day of the exam. 

Mashima: What is this?! Shinji explain yourself! 

Shinji: Explain what? Does it have my fingerprints in it? 

Chabashira: Unfortunately, from what we learned there wasn't any to speak of. 

Mashima: That's impossible. None of us knew that there were drugs here and there wasn't any student who reported such a thing. It has to be you! You are the most suspicious out of everyone here. 

Shinji kept quiet but stayed as calm as ever. 

Shinji: My fingerprints don't even exist in those needles so how could you accuse me of such a thing? 

Mashima: You probably washed the prints off! 

Shinji: Not all physical evidence is always correct. It's not always as it seems. If that's the only evidence, you have then that won't be enough. I haven't done anything that would warrant me to use drugs and give it to the 1st and 2nd years for whatever nefarious reason. 

Chabashira: He's right. If this is the only evidence and we don't have much else. We can't do anything to him and besides, he also has that contract in play. We can't touch him. Even if we could arrest him, you know what will happen to the school. 

Mashima: Tch!

Mashima-sensei then keeps himself quiet but frustrated. 

Sakagami: Just who are you? You've been a complete enigma since you arrived here. Working for the government. This dangerous contract that will lead to the school's destruction. Just why would the government let you do this and approve of such actions if we made this decision of removing you or the students you brought in? 

Shigeru: What's going on here? 

Just then, Kaito-sensei arrives. 

Chabashira: Took you long enough. 

Shinji: Nice of you to arrive here on time. You're about to witness the grand finale. Your student is about to meet his fate soon. 

Shigeru: I wouldn't be worried about him. He is the one that's going to bring the downfall of your prodigies. Ohh and by the way someone is outside the security room that wants to talk to you. 

Shinji: And who might that be?

Kaito-sensei just looks at him as Shinji took his leave and went outside. 

As he made it out the door. 

He was surprised. 

Shinji was confronting Yuuichi, Kei, and Tenji.

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